Sunday, 6 August 2017

(Old Post 91).Moment of regret

Moment of regret

   She was very lively and attached girl.She knew there are people who adore her.Her uncle and aunt didnt knew way to her place hence tried making her phone call.It was raining heavily outside.

 She guessed by their constant missed calls that they were trying hard to reach her.As she didnt had her own vehicle and was raining heavily,she chose not to respond .But her laziness caused them trouble.The auto rickshaw driver looted from them thrice the amount by just misguiding them in their way.

 Finally after struggling so much in that heavy rain and seeking particular address from many,finally they reached her.

  As she realised,she was very guilty of her act.They spoke so well to her,shed their love,blessed her,got her favourite fruits,spent quality time with her and then left to their town.Though she accompanied them till bus stop,she felt very bad for what she had done to them.Before they left,she aoplogized them for her ignorant behaviour and was deeply sorry for the same.

  They were very kind and positive and didnt mind the trouble they had to face in this rainy day.

  Its always that she seeked Love.But when there are ones who love her,she didnt tend to bother much.Problem with us is we dont count our blessings.because of her neglect ,her dear ones were struggling.Her one reply could save them from unnecessary wastage of time,money,trouble and tension.She could have rather told her issues in assertive way rather than portraying a passive behaviour.But this a big lesson she could learn.

 It happens that we keep complaining for things rather than valuing the blessings of what we have.Overthinking makes us oversee normal things as too much complicated.we seek love from them who dont care for us and we dont care them who love us truely.

 She had so many memories to cherish.Though she cant repair the trouble caused to them due to her,she promise herself  not to repeat the same.This moment of regret thought her lesson for life...Dear God,Forgive her for same !!

Priyanka Kamath

Sunday, 16 July 2017

(Old Post 90).Titbits


Findings from analysis of Individual behaviour

1) Expressing one's thought freely represents clean heart.Those who doesn't appreciate the same,deserve to be with double faced personality.!

2)Procrastination of any task just because one feels pressurized now doesn't mean problem is solved.consequently,you have to face the pressure with higher intensity.!

3)Responding to email/letter is something much easier than face to face conversation.As one can think before composing one.when not being sure about what to respond in mail,.then expect not an instant reply on real time conversation.!

4)In order to make a scooter ride smooth,both tyres must work well.Even if one of them is punctured,vehicle wont move forward however strong the other tyre be.
similarly,one sided approach doesn't work out any relation well.!

5)In order to know a person,sometimes few quality conversation is enough.Never will you gain faith by 'N"number of meetings if your mind is filled with doubt and uncertainty for the other person.!

6)Knowing the difference between 'Real Love' and "Loving for Need'is required to be judged well.There is a thin line of difference between 'Use' and "Abuse'.!

7)If  you don't like someone but doesn't like to say it directly.Instead opting for portraying ill about self just because opposite person starts disliking you is not a sign of "real Man'.Be assertive and Fearless.!

8)when you can't empathize the one's who care so much about you,then expect not others to understand you.!

9)When a person wants to get married just because he wants to replace a maid,then knowingly stepping into such relationship will not be a good decision. Learning any work for self independence is positive but doing something just to please others without self willingness is not assertive.!

10)when you have an intuition that opposite person is not interested in a conversation,still forcing him/her to reply ,only makes your self esteem low.Be a person of dignity and content.Don't lose your  inner self be used by anyone.!

11)Don't let any person treat you as an 'Option'..Remember you are not a 'thing' to be chosen.You are special and unique in your own way.!

written by
-Priyanka Kamath

Tuesday, 11 July 2017

(Old Post 89)..Death


Truth of death is very deep
soul leaves,forever body sleeps

Immortal is our soul and is free
plays its role as a selfless tree

When leaf fall
A tree never cries

On young leaf call
neither does it rejoice
Something so obvious is 'Death'
Each one's life cycle is preset

Body eventually fades and becomes dull
But soul is supreme and is immortal

Each event in life is a replay
Individual role is a pre-scripted play

But memories are attached to this body of flesh and blood
And dear ones leaving us makes tears shed

Any pain will heal with time
Nothing in this materialistic world is 'Mine' !!!

Composed by
Priyanka Kamath

Saturday, 17 June 2017

(Old Post 88).Beauty of Love

Beauty of Love

Someday when introduced newly at home
People were surprised to see this telephone

Unlike now, people could not connect directly
‘How can I help you? ‘Was dictum

Wherein first a person connected privately

This person of telephone exchange helped people with queries
This was the system existed we can find written in old diaries

A little boy all alone at home
Once dialled and heard a sweet tone

The lady had replied ‘How can I help you?’
The had his problems own
He had broken one of his bone

At home father had gone for job
He was bleeding on the top

The lady on being told about this
Suggested First Aid to problem of his

Boy later found mathematics unsolved problem few
Found same appealing voice ‘How can I help you?’

She not only solved mathematics problem few
But also the boys little dilemma new

He had no mum
And the lady treated him like a gem
She had no son of her own
Showered all love to this lad unknown

A day came…
His dad got transferred the month same

It was time to be shifted to new place
But little boy had never seen the lady’s face

The lady could not find the kids trace
Her memories indeed chased

 His aim was to grow up and meet her
Give her a rose and greet her

The day came when he visited his home
Dialled and expected the same tone

This time he heard again ‘How can I help you?’
The voice was little trembling but not new

After fifteen years he had heard that melody
He desired to meet the kind lady

She was so happy and knew in advance
That the boy would return back on getting chance

He had to leave the place for days two
Promised the lady to be back, said ‘see you’

The lady knew she might now live till then
Wrote him a note holding pen

Property of her to him she gave
Doctor couldn’t her life save

The boy came to her with a rose two more
But came to know she was no more..

The note had her feelings true
Consoled he to move on in life and he prove

He saw for the first and last time the lady’s face
He could see his mother’s warmth, affection base

Held her funeral the rose
And kissed her eyebrows

Cried to her saying words few
‘Please, on my call ask me, ‘How can I help you?’

But there was total silence sort
Voice echoed of her in his heart
‘Son, I’m in you, not apart

Now you should help yourself come out of this grief
Only then my soul can rest in peace

Body may die
Buried ashes may fly

But the soul is supreme
And is immortal extreme’

The young man always remembered this love
This was as pure and white as dove!!!

Composed by

Priyanka Kamath

141. Manifesting Dreams anthology

*Manifesting Dreams* Waiting for someone's response is hard Atleast I can play victim card But what happens when I manifest one reply An...