Saturday, 25 January 2025

135.Sufiana ishq*

*Sufiana ishq*

Falling in love is Ishq

Rising is sufiana Ishq

Ppl do flaunt when in love 

The affection often tend to show 

But sufiana is a treasure 

Between me and the super power

My definition of love included this list

Attachment, greed ,Power and lust 

Attachment lead me to being possessive

Greed to hoard everything massive 

Power to have my love act to my wish 

Lust to have the pleasures ishhh!!

In this ocean where I could have driven deep 

I was comfortable being shallow steep

Worldly pleasures still make me crazy 

And being toxic , unproductive and lazy

My bubbles busted in pot 

Reality check when I got 

Always I thought 

I am spiritual,I do prayers a lot 

Pride started to bloom 

As if I am a bride and sufiana Ishq is groom

I terribly failed to know 

Ice from the freezer is not snow 

As Chanting god's name 

Parallely playing mind game

Doesn't go hand in hand 

My karma put me in trouble band

Giving someone false hope

And creating trust issues scope

Is a bad deed which I can't reverse 

I am bound to suffer this curse 

In God's court , mistake can be forgiven 

But what about intentional hurt driven ?

Here starts my karma cleansing 

Removed one chunk by sincerely apologizing 

Next chunk was harder shelf

As I couldn't forgive myself 

And final one is repentance 

Offering to Lord my sorry sentence 

I said to self that I am willing to suffer

I accept my wrong doings buffer 

Corrupted mind can't see the true love instance 

God still gave me love in abundance 

The realisation I got , the tears I shed 

Is also sufiana Ishq to get sleep in bed

Offering gratitude took me close to Lord

And we connect through souls cord

I can feel sufiana Ishq with Lord pure 

When I love myself to the core

Self love is regardless of pampering 

It's rather about self awareness and caring 

Placing words well is a million dollar skill 

It can give life to any relation or even kill 

Oh God , your love for me I deeply feel 

Please repair me and help me heal 

Thank you for being there 

Showering abundant love and care

Purify me from my vices and potential risk

Dip me in the colours of sufiana Ishq!!!

✍️©️ Priyanka Kamath

25 July 2025



Babe I just watched oh my god you at best in this video and also the superb I can see the immense amount of emotions pouring out of heart and the sufiana love emerging in eyes 

The moments when u talking about karmic and toxic connections and relating to god is next level taking the pitch to cloud 9

Anthology sufiana Ishq 


Poetry is a way of expressing Priyanka's experience and stories.Life is a learning institution and sharing it in the form of write up is a healing process. She dedicates her work to her dear parents.

**Sufiana ishq*

Falling in love is Ishq

Rising is sufiana Ishq

People do flaunt when in love  

The affection often tend to show 

But sufiana is a treasure 

Between me and the super power

My definition of love included this list

Attachment, greed ,Power and lust 

Attachment lead me to being possessive

Greed to hoard everything massive 

Power to have my love act to my wish 

Lust to have the pleasures ishhh!!

In this ocean where I could have driven deep 

I was comfortable being shallow steep

Worldly pleasures still make me crazy 

And being toxic , unproductive and lazy

My bubbles busted in pot 

Reality check when I got 

Always I thought 

I am spiritual,I do prayers a lot 

Pride started to bloom 

As if I am a bride and sufiana Ishq is groom

I terribly failed to know 

Ice from the freezer is not snow 

As Chanting god's name 

In parallel playing mind game

Doesn't go hand in hand 

My karma put me in trouble band

Giving someone false hope

And creating trust issues scope

Is a bad deed which I can't reverse 

I am bound to suffer this curse 

In God's court , mistake can be forgiven 

But what about intentional hurt driven ?

Here starts my karma cleansing 

Removed one chunk by sincerely apologizing 

The next chunk was a harder shelf

As I couldn't forgive myself 

And the final one is repentance 

Offering to Lord my sorry sentence 

I said to myself that I am willing to suffer

I accept my wrong doings buffer 

Corrupted mind can't see the true love instance 

God still gave me love in abundance 

The realisation I got , the tears I shed 

Is also sufiana Ishq to get sleep in bed

Offering gratitude took me close to Lord

And we connect through the souls cord

I can feel sufiana Ishq with Lord pure 

When I love myself to the core

Self love is regardless of pampering 

It's rather about self awareness and caring 

Placing words well is a million dollar skill 

It can give life to any relation or even kill 

Oh God , your love for me I deeply feel 

Please repair me and help me heal 

Thank you for being there 

Showering abundant love and care

Purify me from my vices and potential risk

Dip me in the colours of sufiana Ishq!!!

✍️©️ Priyanka Kamath

Tuesday, 14 January 2025

134. Movie Time


*Movie time*

Movie is enjoyment source 

Am I a movie ? Yes of course 

There is a pattern I observe

My funny bones, In a platter I serve 

I was popular in school college 

As was free spirited without a baggage 

When I was happy, people were around 

But when needed them I found 

Myself alone in crowd 

One who have tasted appreciation

Tends to seek validation 

I was seeking constant relevance 

My jovial nature would get me joy in abundance 

After my parents exited my story 

Here started my worry

And in order to make self fine

Started socialising this time 

I see in myself a pattern of need

Constant validation to feed

I tried portraying self as funny billy

Not realising I was losing respect and was taken silly 

Over my jokes someone can laugh 

But when in need,I see their presence with heart half 

Suppose if I have no more impactful array 

And still if I choose  to share worry 

Society doesn't find the movie entertaining

And they switch channel for joy attaining 

I understood what being used looked at it's best

To get information, entertainment and be Catalyst 

In my movie I am my hero and creative lead 

I will ensure to not anymore entertain creepers and feed

My energy shouldn't drain 

On people who treat me a movie in vain

I am although my lead character dent

But should not be a source of others entertainment 

Starting of the story I can't change 

But I will script the climax in unique range 

Let me focus on acting

Let God be directing 

So that I work on the script that he has given 

And be focussed and duty driven 

Ofcourse my movie should have comic element

My family and self to be happy intent 

But I shouldn't let my emotions be open for all odd

It's a treasure to be preserved and shared with God 

My movie is straight forward 

Me spicing up too much looks absurd

Self respect and happiness within is the key fit

In my eyes my own movie should be a super hit 

©️✍️ Priyanka Kamath 


Amazing 😍  I loved the idea of becoming a movie itself in the poem. I loved the line questioning "Am I movie?, yes of course ' that was deeply introspective as if reflecting on self. Adding god as a director is a beautiful divine touch in movie of our life. I also loved the line, 'after my parents exited my story, here started my worry', it was so relatable. And the line, 'script has given...' is so deep which makes us to think about our life script which is given and what should we do as our duty. Its eye opener. Keep sharing ❤️


I appreciate your creativity ❤️

The beautifully woven emotions highlighted the experience of overcoming societal pressures and finding one's true identity. Described as a journey of a man who was initially known for his cheerful nature, but slowly gets trapped in a quest for validation and constant external approval. Metaphorically comparing him to a "movie", highlighting how his entertaining personality became a source of entertainment for others, leading to a feeling of being used and a gradual erosion of self-esteem. 

Through introspection and a new understanding of his worth, he resolves to prioritise his happiness and authenticity, writing a new story where self-esteem and inner fulfilment take centre stage. This insightful piece is commendable.❤️

Keep inking 

Keep inspiring

Friday, 3 January 2025

133.Venting out

 Venting out 

Earlier when used to write poetry mine 

Always thought to align rhyme

I was accustomed to keep in general line 

As too much expression in public platform is not fine 

Slowly I expressed less

As my emotions play mess

Today as I felt low

Lack of focus and slow

Sometimes even a silly matter bother

I know I should focus on priority things rather 

Example I posted a video in family group 

Noone reacted thus came in my toxic troop 

Someone ignored me or if didn't match my tone 

To deviate mind I kept on browsing phone 

I didn't feel at peace 

Why do I think I am unhealed and still in piece ?

I am grateful and do count on my blessing

Then why at times loneliness comes hissing 

I was in verge of drenching in negative thought

Thus I started writing down without another thought 

The silliness bothering me aren't worth

I should wash them off just like a sticky dirt

Tears just flow for no reason

I shouldn't give my lethargy a boost each season 

Many things I should take easy 

I should be productive and be busy

With this self talk with gratitude I bow 

Poetry is helping me come out of my phase low

©️✍️ Priyanka Kamath 

3 Jan 2025


Fabulous 🔥

Beautifully depicted internal struggles, honestly reflected on the suppression of emotions, the effect of social media on self-esteem and the struggle with negative thoughts. Battling with feelings of loneliness and a tendency to get caught up in trivial matters, accepted writing as a blessing. The act of writing itself is a cathartic experience, helping one process their emotions and emerge from a low phase.🔥

Highlighted the power of self-reflection and creative expression in dealing with internal struggles and emotional challenges, is commendable 🔥

Keep penning

Keep rocking 🔥

@⁨Priyanka Kamath⁩

Thursday, 2 January 2025

132.Konkani poem

 Tigele msg ayile makka

Sangunu msg Kari takka 

Tee- Tanni vichaarnu sangtha Kai 

Ammi call korche samm Nai


Me -Chelle Ammak call Kari 

Maagiri migele ullai pot bhari 

Me - itte goh haav kasa monche 

Tumgel jaavnanthu haav nai nonche


Tikka bhaari oori Assa pakka

Chekkek msg kelle ve Akka

Itte goh tukka atta hataa

Mayyen sangtaana ashil ve sankata

Tugel feminism asshile bhaari

Apan shikkun kaam korka ,Tari Kari 

Vardik jalle tashhi baabu korka nave 

Taavali kaam sodka nave 

Tari itte makka msg koruk sangta tuva

Tugel aan ammale ekkichi dhuva

Arrangement Kari tanka

Apnal vairi depend kornakka 

Khanche Chellek guna polonu jaitha mana ki

Mukavaile plan kornu tasal arrangement chooki 

Tugele sansaaru polono ghe , yeah tangi akka

Baggage ghevnu bhonakka

Tukka taagel ammale ullochak kasa problem 

Internally takka convince korche nai samm 

Arrange marriage set up yein 

Feminism hanga chalna ghe 

Ekka jibben donni ullonakka 

Ek pati mantha kaam karta , aaek pati migel katir ullai akka

Konakai judge korche nai, varkik khelu nai 

Practically lekkuka life decision yeah 

Ardaari course solla teene ,Vai !

Para barsartas Bangaloraa training Kai 

Haav malle doni doniri payi darvarnakka 

Mann divnu kaam Kari , gadi gadi Decision change kornakka

Samaachi bhajjun aayli tikka 

Tigel pre plans gothas makka !!

11 jan 25


141. Manifesting Dreams anthology

*Manifesting Dreams* Waiting for someone's response is hard Atleast I can play victim card But what happens when I manifest one reply An...