Friday, 11 December 2015

(Old Post 79).LOVE.......A FEELING!!!

LOVE.......A FEELING!!! 

That day....God chose us to be one
Days and nights have passed and months have gone
My heart for you has always shone
Left are lots of happiness shared to be
Open your heart,you'll...your reflection see
Feelings for you,now may not be new
Words to praise you,many have become few
But there is something in my heart that is so true
Its my Love....which always belongs to you

To the luminous gem in my life..
One heart praying for you
Two eyes looking for you
Five senses missing you
Seven days a week,I desire you
Twelve months asking God to bless you
24 by 7....I Love You

Waiting for you...I have passed
Hundreds of Days and Night...
But this heart ...cannot beat without your sight
Whenever I see...I see your light
so that moment my heart feels bright
Now...Let me express my feelings with all might
And say I Love You dear ...and hug you tight

My Lover's best qualities
Love is always in his heart and mind
For my mistakes he has always been so kind
Shed tears when I left him
But for my happiness,he didn't mind
In his life are problems of every kind
But time for his sweetheart he always find
And says..nothing can harm me when he is behind

You made my life worth living
Before I met you nothing seemed interesting

Your pleasant nature makes you worth loving
Every time I blink,every moment I keep you missing

He once said that we are just like eyelids
The upper and the lower lids
are separated by a distance
Just like them we meet sometimes
Just as they meet to blink
And when they meet
we cannot see the world around us....
This is our Love for each other

Let me promise
With you I 'll always stay
Can we be separated...?Boy,there is no way
So finally on this day...
Let me say..
Love ...A feeling!! can hardly be expressed...
Through this poem  I tried my best
Patience is ours which is put to test

With a rosy red heart                 
Bent in front of me...
He bows and asks me
"Sweetheart,will you marry me
and make my life glee...?''

Wednesday, 9 December 2015

(Old Post 78)मंगलूर दशहरा जुलूस

मंगलूर  दशहरा जुलूस 

देखे हमने कई नज़ारे 
कुंभकरण टेब्लो मे  लेटे पैर फसारे                       

आगे देखा विघ्नेश्वर संहार कर रहे विघ्नासुर को 
फिर पाया विश्णु रूपी मोहिनी विष पिला रही असुर को 

गीता का ज्ञान देते सारथी पार्थ को 

महीला बने पुरुष नाचते मज़ेदार गीत के साथ को 

खिलौने का खेल प्रसिद्ध है जो 'बोम्ब्बे आटा' के नाम से 
आनंदित हो गयी मैं कलाकारों के काम से                  

मुझ जितनी लंबी चौड़ी एक बेताल मिली 
साथ ही उससे बड़ा राक्षस बना गुड्डा 

प्यारी ज़ू- ज़ू और एलियन की मुस्कान खिली 
पाया विभिन्न वेश भूषा मे  बच्चा,नर,नारी और बुड्ढ़ा 

यक्षगान के दृष्य था मनमोहक              
देखती रही माँ के भव्य मूर्ती को एकटक 

बैंडसेट मे रमे हुए थे कलाकार 
प्रसन्न था मुख देवी का,सुन्दर था आकार 
देवी के रूप भी थे भिन्न प्रकार 

आदिशक्ती ,शैलपुत्री ,चन्द्रघंटा ,स्कंदमाता 
बीच मे परषुराम के संदर्भ का टेब्लो नज़र आता     

इतना ख़ूबसूरत नज़ारा,सजावट और आरती 

ब्रह्मचारिणी एवं अनन्य महाकाली 
कितनी प्यारी थी माँ की सिंदूर की लाली 

आयी फूलों और साजश्रृंगार से सजी माँ शारदा      
हराने सबका अज्ञान और विपदा                      
बाँटती सद्गुण,ज्ञान,सहीमार्ग सदा 

प्यारी साड़ी ,हस्त मे लीये गुलाब और पुस्तक 
जैसे उस अप्रतिम प्रतिमा मे समाकर,बनाये जीवन सार्थक 

ऐसा था नज़ारा,नज़र थी माँ की कितनी प्यारी 
लगा यूं की बसी है उन् नयनों मे दुनिया सारी 

माँ की मुस्कान है कितनी कोमल 
लगा जैसे सारी मुश्किले हो गयी टल 
शरीर का ढ़ांचा ज़रा गोलमटोल और सरल 

माँ,आज तुम नदी मे समाओगी 
दुःख तो है,पर इंतज़ार रहेगा ,तुम अगले साल ,फिर आओगी 

अदभुत ,अद्वितीय था ये नज़ारा 
हमेशा याद आयेगा सबसे प्यारा,मंगलूर दशहरा !!!

शानदार 🔥
मंगलूर के दशहरा जुलूस का एक बहुत ही खूबसूरत और जीवंत वर्णन किया । जुलूस के विभिन्न पहलुओं को बहुत ही बारीकी से शब्दों में उतारा। जुलूस में देखे गए विभिन्न दृश्यों, जैसे कि कुंभकरण टेब्लो, विघ्नेश्वर, मोहिनी, गीता ज्ञान, बोम्बे आटा, यक्षगान, देवी के विभिन्न रूप, परशुराम, शारदा आदि को बहुत ही सुंदर शब्दों में व्यक्त किया है। माँ शारदा की प्रतिमा को देखकर जो भावनाएँ महसूस की हैं, उन्हें आपने बहुत ही खूबसूरती से व्यक्त किया है🔥
भावनाओं की गहराई की झलक साथ भाषा का प्रयोग भी बहुत ही सरल और सहज है🔥
ऐसे ही लिखते रहिए और साझा करते रहिए 🔥
*बोम्बे आटा
@⁨Priyanka Kamath⁩

Monday, 7 December 2015

(Old Post 77).ALCOHOL


oh ! Alcohol
Why do Drunkards call
You an Angel and a Cure?
When you are a poison for sure
We know you are a symbol of Status
But let not you be life's only Focus
Initially you may be consumed a bit 
Leading to habit and then an addict
And often you are forgotten to be kept in limit
For some you give temporary pleasure and gain
But family of that addict suffer pain
Each one is different and views here may not be  for all the same
But what about lost childhood , to whom shall one blame?
From early age you are been consumed by both male and female-what a shame!
You are reason for others Ill-health
you decrease goodness in people and wealth
You are responsible oh!Alcohol
For Drunkards life's downfall
You feel fun in others tears
Yet people consume you saying 'cheers'
Its also true 
That entire blame cannot be put on you
For,its people who must know and put a full stop
And get back the lost health and reputation to top
And from young age lets divert our mind
Towards worthy tasks and find
That we gain nothing from this
It can only ruin Innocent life and bliss
So lets all say a Big 'NO ' to Alcohol
And be this the  Nations Call!!

Sunday, 29 November 2015

(Old Post 76).HOMEMAKER

Stepping womanhood is a beauty
Getting married is one of  her duty
But she miss being a kid rather
Essence of innocence to never bother

She might be complete but not free
She compromises with hubby and agree
Today her smile prove
Its not emerging out of happiness true

She compares herself to a maid
Difference is just that maids are paid
She used to before "expect''
Now she has learned to "accept''

This is what she must know
She is no less,she needn't bow

When she can stand on her own feet
She needn't expect his treat
Yes,Love is what she need
But sympathy is what he feed

This is what he need to realize
Doing her own household work precise
Doesn't make her inferior and attention seeker
She deserves affection ,she is 'Homemaker'

What need to be changed is the Attitude sequel
In a relationship both are equal
But men dominated society suggest
Its she who must adjust

So let there be a balance some
If she takes a step ,let him also take one
Its true that working in corporate world may be a bless
Let us know that a homemaker is no less

Happiness cannot be found 
It is within us inbound
Homemaker learns to feeling happy in her duty
Living with her own identity is a beauty!

The poem written is not generalized. In-fact I have seen so many men who treat their wife as a queen.My intention is not to hurt anyone.This is just one of my experiences and feeling which may be true only for some .So please excuse.

Saturday, 28 November 2015

(Old Post 75).MANGO

Mango mango everywhere
Each one eager to have their share
Found in various tastes and kind
Real taste of this season one can find

Mango juices available every season
To celebrate its goodness we have countless reason
This King of Fruit is available at an ease
Brings in freshness and cures many disease

Its values are built in deep Historic root
It possess the Pride of being India's National Fruit
With its natural flavor and unbeatable taste
It is popular to be better than best

From Raw to Ripened one,It has its uniqueness in each stage
Truly loved by all at different age
Indeed this fruit is special one
Mangoes adds to our life taste and fun!

Friday, 27 November 2015



Everyone said she's insane
I ignored her surpassing that lane
I didn't speak much further
She might be hurt,For me it didn't bother

She waits for me to gift a rose everyday
For this strange feeling,I had nothing to say
It took me many years to realize
This form of Love-A priceless Prize

She stays all alone
No relatives,letters or telephone
Long back she had lost her child
she feeds animals,be it pet or wild

Today when she gave me a flower
I could feel in her that power
To smile at world and count
the blessing she has, ignoring their taunt

Affection without selfish intent is love true
It has no expectation,nothing to prove
Such love is divine and supreme
The one which is imagined to exist only in dream!

Wednesday, 25 November 2015



Youth is a source
For evergreen rushing force
A part of youth is phase of infatuation
on maturity, we reach stage of saturation
Infatuation doesn’t blame age
It doesn’t bother relationship cage
The boy at next door
His age is Ten plus Four
She found a spark in his gaze
He had for her a silent praise
Her twinkling spark and soft skin
Her pretty attire and tiny hair pin
Everything was mesmerising to him
Not that they had met for the first time now
Not that he was with her in Love
This feeling may not be lust
Its probable to be the crush first
There is nothing to be hidden or be shy
Let the little bird within us fly
Infatuation is subjective feel
Each one has his own way to deal!

141. Manifesting Dreams anthology

*Manifesting Dreams* Waiting for someone's response is hard Atleast I can play victim card But what happens when I manifest one reply An...