Thursday, 24 November 2016

(Old Post 87).Jab we met



Akkhu baba is so charming and dear      
We may stay apart, still our heart is near

My little cat is understanding and kind
He has always a questioning mind

He feared the stranger cat chase
And shifted to my friends place

We kept his share of fish
And missed his lovely kiss

Its over three months now
We miss his dear ‘meow’

My friend was kind enough to feed it
And give me his updates when I need it

She kept him in a room
I was about to see him soon

I took along fish few
Heard his mesmerizing ‘meow’

I realised as I came close
He still miss me, I didn’t lose

We missed each others sight
I hugged him tighttt…

His eyes still expressive
For my words he’s responsive

I had in my eyes tears
Blessed were we, above all fears

I miss him deep from hearts core
He love me four times more…

He was rubbing his head against mine
As if expressing ‘shed no tears, I’m fine’

I opened my box of fish
He happily had his dish

When I was about to leave
He bit my sleeve

As a gesture not to leave
Hugged tighter, the moment to relive
In response his sweet kiss
Was really no less, a bliss

I wanted him back
But courage in him still lack

He is already set over there
And gives them too his love’s share

True love is not to force
And pull back to source

His happiness is mine
When he is ok,I’m fine
Its all about he being good
Being safe and having food

Left with a promise to meet him soon
To see him safe and happy is a boon

I came home with a sigh of relief
He will come back home is my belief !!!

Saturday, 19 November 2016

(Old Post 86)Letter to Friend

Letter to Friend

In school rickshaw we first met
   Since then, our friendship is set      

 Both of us were very close
Were aware of our strength & flaws

Be it craft or swimming
Stitching or singing
 childhood with you was amazing

After choosing different study stream
Meeting you in person was just a dream

Still we could preserve this connect
And today when your marriage is set

Let me put my feelings in words
To the new couple ‘The love Birds’

In the recipe of life
Stepping in role as a ‘Wife’

Maintain balance just like salt
To cover up any fault

 I know you are the best
And you’ll manage the rest

May you be blessed with peace of mind
And get happiness of every kind

Thanks for being so true friend of mine
Wish this yields more with passing time!!

*_Happy and healthy time ahead.🐱🌻_*

_The great choice of rhyming made your valuable masterpiece an amazing one.🤍🤩 *In the recipe of life* = oh my god,❤️🌟 are you a Wordsworth!, 😩✅outstanding choice of words!.⚡🥳_

_Stay blessed both of you. 💖🫣Well done.💃🏿😍_

*_Keep penning and keep inspiring us with your valuable submission.🤓🔥_*

@⁨Priyanka Kamath⁩

Thursday, 27 October 2016

(Old Post 85).Sandesh to Soldiers


While illuminating festival light
We owe you for your sleepless night,
For your selfless continuous fight,
For sacrifices of yours families sight,
For the sake of our India’s future bright,
This Diwali we pray almighty,
That you be safe and alright

Thank you, we offer you our gratitude and salute!

Jai Hind!

Friday, 5 August 2016

(Old Post 84).LIFE CYCLE

Life Cycle
                  ^-^-^-^-^-^-^- LIFE CYCLE -^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^

  v/s Image result for image of friendship band


Product Life Cycle is a management topic
It has with "Friendship" a link
Stages in both are in sync
Something which is worth to think


When two souls meet
Its healthy hearts's treat
One feels happy to repeat
And place memory in special seat


We meet someone someday
Starts out with a jovial play
Eventually having something to say
Someone to listen throughout the day


Even on meeting hurdles many
Frowning matters turns soon funny
As if one has found magical key
And journey seems sweeter than honey


Of-course, differences exist
Like unequal fingers fist
Guiding in solving Life's test
Brings out relation's Best


Over years new friends in life add
Old ones are set aside
Doesn't mean the charm has fade
It will work out with a little aid


In life's syllabus end or start

Without friends its incomplete chart
Friends may drift apart
But will live forever in heart


Any conflict sign
Gets sorted out over time
Cheer up! Everything will be fine
'A stitch in time,saves nine' !!!

Monday, 20 June 2016

(Old Post 83).Birthday wishes to my grandpa

Birthday wishes to my grandpa

Years Longest day happens to be today
And also your Birthday
Music was in your heart
Yoga was your Life's part
As if these World celebrations today
As Yoga Day & Music Day are kept after your Birthday

Your cheerfulness and humility
I witness in you supremacy of Deity
Life's any problem or decision
you motivated to set right every equation

You brought your kids up so well
you were an all-rounder in a nutshell
you were always a guiding force
your positivity is my living source
you were well versed in all field
but desired no recognition or shield

A silent promise to you to follow your Life's ways
we seek your blessings always!

Thursday, 16 June 2016

(Old Post 82).Little Kittens's Battle

Little Kittens's Battle 

Birth as 'Human' is thought to be supreme
        To be the one, few may dream

Supremacy lies in the fact to "live & let live"

And not to throw a baby kitten in dustbin I believe

The little one was born just a couple of hours before

And the reality of cruelty is seen at its core

This poor thing couldn't walk,see or eat

Is this the way this baby deserves treat?

Let it atleast learn to be on its own

Leave it or love it, let it be grown

Same like you & me,it also deserves to survive

'Human Being' is about "Being Human"-Try! Strive!

My sibling got this baby from dustbin,it was in need

My female Cat which is operated, helped the kitty feed

Day & night,we strived hard to make it feel better

without its mother's milk, its eye is about to shutter

Now its about a week

It's becoming more weak

I named it 'Baby' and tried to take care

And felt how's it being a mother's share

When it cried, I tried to calm it down rather

But it needed to be milked by its mother

Its been a week, you came in my life new

You are blessed baby & we are lucky to have you 
Your importance  and worth is known only by few

But my baby is sinking, its in pain

Oh God!it may die and be only in memory lane

We tried our bit to make it breathe

And loved it from Heart's bottom deep

Its no more now, God,please give it that warmth

Which I was unable to comfort

Let me convey my baby that I loved it

But failed to make it live 

Baby wherever you are, please

Rest in Peace

lots of love

my dear meow !! :(

(#Baby's battle from 19th April 2016  and died on 26th April 2016)

Composed by

Priyanka Kamath

Sunday, 3 April 2016

(Old Post 81).Sleeplessness


Image result for animated image for sleeplessness                       Image result for animated image for sleeplessness
Its running into hours I cant sleep
Not that I'm waiting for someones message beep

Various trivial thoughts in my mind creep
and brain is busy thinking something deep

What did she wear in party last evening?
How did she dance,speak or sing?

Why did I eat non-veg as main food course?
though it was my own will,and not by force

Did I make any sense when words utter?
Or was I too mascafying as a butter?

I listened to music
but still I feel sick

Study portions are heavy to pick
Book in front to read,and pencil to tick

I'm reading the text
But unable to understand next

Mind has no rest
This is my patience test!

This can be one of the most tough time
and truly a  punishment sign

I think too much in length
I wish to channelize this weakness of mine to strength

If I were to think in same fashion
towards my study session

Studying wouldn't be a task at all
It would be as flawless as the waterfall

I would have analysed topics with passion so deep
The knowledge would be a precious gift to keep

Thank You God,I could frame my thought process in poem form
And relax my  unnecessary  thinking storm !!

@ #2.30 AM#
By Priyanka Kamath 
Dated 03/04/2016

Sunday, 17 January 2016

(Old Post 80).Personal experience on attending a two day seminar on account of Swami Vivekananda’s 153rd Birth Anniversary

Personal experience on attending a two day seminar on account of Swami Vivekananda’s 153rd Birth Anniversary

Date                                 : 12th January 2016 ……………….13th January 2016
Event                               : National Youth Day……………..Discussion on Effective Life Management
Sessions topics-Day 1 :   1) India of Swami Vivekananda’s dream and role of youth.
                                             2) Mindset for Excellence.
                                             3) Personal Excellence.
                          -Day 2 :    4) Background of Success.
                                             5) Art of working and attaining success in life.
                                             6) Creativity and Innovation.
Venue                            : Ramakrishna Math, Mangaladevi, Mangaluru.
Resource Persons       :1) Swami Shuddhidanandaji
                                          2) Dr.Vivek Modi
                                          3) Prof.K. Raghothama Rao

Content of sessions in a Jist –
1)           India of Swami Vivekananda’s dream and role of youth.
     After attending this particular session, we could learn how our Mother India was at different centuries. India used to be very rich in cultural heritage and had possessed many treasuries. India was Diamond abundant once upon a time and was rich in all terms. It is India who gave to the world mathematical decimal and number zero and many other technological inventions and discoveries. But as the quote goes “United we stand; Divided we fall”, eventually with external control we became poor.
 Now we are a developing country and trend is seen that our treasuries which lied in Sanskrit, yoga etc. are adopted by foreigners and we are following their trend of fashion .There is no fault in respecting the goodness in other culture but we must not forget our roots. Major issues confronted by India are Poverty, Corruption,Population and Communal disharmony.
 Swami Vivekananda always believed in the Power of let’s all “awake, arise and stop not till the goal is reached”. Also it’s just not important for us to be determined, we must take the action.

2)           Mindset for Excellence.
   Always we need to keep in mind that true success is one which doesn’t cost happiness. When we are given choice to be successful or happy, we must always chose happiness. It’s vital to ask three basic questions as regards Excellence. They  are as follows
a) What is my idea of Excellence?
b) Why is this excellence relevant for me?
c) How can I achieve this Excellence?
-Now,problem is when we have a choice. What we need to learn is to choose the choice. Once we choose something in life,we must be confident about it and then work sincerely on it.It is apt even in  a relationship .
-Also it is important for us to Accept the choice as a Package.Example:After choosing a Life partner we need to even accept the person as a whole.It means even if he /she is poor in cooking,we must accept this fact.
-we need to excel in even small things we do. It can be a simple thing but we must be excellent in it. Always this is to be remembered that when one is excellent, success follows him.
-Speaking ill about boss is not proper. It is us who chose the job and once when we are into it,we must respect it and just not keep taking faults.
- We need to list things we are good at. Rather those activities by which we will be completely engrossed. And we do it with or without monitory reward. It can be even basic things like watching a movie, writing an article, cooking etc. Next step is that we need to ask ourselves that which of these activity is adding value to our existence. We learn to prioritise events like this.
Example- one may be passionate about watching daily soaps in TV. If he/she pens down the same in a blog to give a reliable opinion and review about which of the serials is watch worthy, it adds value as people may rely on his/her review and hence even a simple activity can be channelized into a value added activity.
-Repetition and maintaining excellence level is need of time. People value us only if we are worth of it.
-Multi tasking is something to be avoided in order to attain excellence.
-we must know the art to accommodate to communicate.If it happens with us to speak something which was not supposed to, then quickly we must rectify the same.
Example- when a speaker said ‘half of the audience are fools’-this statement upsets the audience and quickly he apologizes and takes back his statement and says ‘half of the audience are not fools’. And audience was now happily settled. We can observe that the same matter is said in different way.

3)           Personal Excellence.
Always in life we need to focus on these three aspects. They are as follows:
                                                                  Lighter side

                      Tighter side                                                                                 Brighter side
-we need to be open minded and be present physically and mentally in any task we do.
Tighter side-This covers aspects of self-confidence, self-disciple, communication etc.
-we need to have a control on thought we are alone ;control of words when in a group;control of action when in a society.
-Always respond but not react.
-Discipline is of 2 kinds-

                                Self Imposed                 Compulsion
Self imposed restriction is always fruitful and long lived.
Brighter side-This embraces these aspects
 -Unlearning something which was not correct.learning the right thing.And relearning the the right matter in proper way is what we must know to achieve personal excellence.Accepting mistakes,trying to correct ourselves,keeping ego aside makes us open to learn and lead a better life.

Lighter side-with emerging technology and mobile phones, people do not have time to spend with themselves. It’s in the social media where people have created their own world.So somewhere we are going away from ourselves. Yoga,Medidation, is what is mandatory to refresh our mind.Meditation is nothing but being in silence and knowing self.

4)Background of success-
Success should be not at the cost of ones Happiness.For success the background is categorized as follows:

Object oriented people are ones who attribute their success or failure to an outside source.
Example-“I ‘m successful because I have lots of money”-here outside element is money.
‘I didn’t win because luck didn’t favour me’-here luck factor is outside attribute.
-For such people hard work doesn’t matter. It can be any means.It can be ethical way or not which doesn’t matter to object oriented ones.
-There always lies Fear element found in such people to protect their position failing to realise that this is a False Perception of Success.
-On the other hand they lose Health,family,friends,relationship.

Self oriented persons attribute the reason of their success or failure to themselves.
-Such person Invests in his own excellence.He creates himself.
-We must always know the golden rule of life that Success runs after those who strive for excellence”.
-Self oriented ones give time to their family,friends,health and knows the fact that success is progressive.Being happy is not an end but it is a part of journey.
Motto –“I’m a slow walker,but I don’t walk back”-Abraham Lincoln

-Trust your potential-A bird on a tree is never afraid of the branch breaking,because her trust is not in the branch but on its own wings.
-Most of us have more things to thank for ,than things to be complained.Its always that we value more something when we don’t have it.So let us express our gratitude to God for what He has given us.Because there are some who are more disfortunate than we let us not always  be asking,begging and blaming God.Let us thank Him for what we have.
-On the death bed the only regret what one face is the things that we could do but we didn’t do.So let us not procrastinate our desires expecting that one fine day we shall do and that day we will be happy. Lets Stop preparing for life,rather start living.
-We tend to miss the present either for past or for future.Its is true that ‘No pain,no Gain’ but one should know that ‘ Pain is inevitable ,but suffering is a choice’.

5)Art of working and attaining success in life-
- The biggest obstacle in the path of attaining happiness is anticipation.
-Based on motives, we have three kind of workers:-
-Happiness is different from pleasure.Satisfaction of sense organ is only pleasure.
-One need to read Bhagvad Gita to know effective and scientific Life management.
-Restlessness cannot lead to happiness.Person without Self Control and Wisdom (life routed discipline) will not have tendency to find happiness within.
-we need to have the spirit to serve society-i.e. Giving back what we get
-Will means taking care of our mind.Having strong will is necessary to attain success and also for facing difficult situation in life.Absence of strong will leads to failure.
-We often have tendency to ignore small crack/mistakes.Finally these leads to collapse of human life.Therefore then and there due consideration need to be heeded.
-The causes that make one commit mistake are:-
(1)  I know certain thing is good
      I ‘m supposed to do it
      Yet I have no inclination to do it
      And I don’t do it.
(2)I know certain thing is bad
    I ‘m not supposed to do it
   Yet I have inclination to do it
  And I do it.
-we do something wrong due to lack of will
-Education is not about stuffing things into brain.We need to act rationally taking into account what is right and wrong thereby choosing the right thing.
-The training by which the current and expression of will are brought under control and become fruitful is education.-i.e. Education means training of will.
-we finally become what we want to be.

6) Creativity and Innovation
-Creativity means doing things differently.
- we are creative but we tend to be negative.So we need to manage these three aspects which are-Time, Emotions and Relations.
-Stress free mind and presence of mind is a requisite to be creative.
-Example of why to control emotions-David Emberson created first Portable computer.With this first series,he was overwhelmed by the positive response.So announced that ‘shortly second series portable computer shall be introduced which is much cheaper and convenient’.Listening to this announcement people who had booked for first series computer withdrew. As a result he couldn’t proceed with the second series due to lack of fund which was otherwise anticipated by success of earlier series.
-Example of Thinking out of the box- Christiaan Neethling Barnard who gained prominence due to successful operatin of Open Heart Surgery was called for to conduct seminar on the same in various institutions.By now even his Driver was educated and could reproduce the same content. Once on his request, Barnard allowed him to give the speech as Chritiaan Barnard.And Barnard sat in the front row to hear the speech as his driver.As expected the queries was posed except one question which was unique and driver couldn’t handle.So he reacted “ This is such a simple question,even my driver can answer”and barnard answered well.we can observe how ready wit and being creative can lead to many success stories and both of them got a round of applauds .
-Old saying is “what cannot be cured should be endured’-But the new one is “what cannot be cured should be enjoyed”

So,This was my experience on the sessions I had these two days.And I got immense happiness in the ashram environment and being the part of this youth festival.
“Awake,Arise and stop not till the goal is reached”-Swami Vivekananda !!!


141. Manifesting Dreams anthology

*Manifesting Dreams* Waiting for someone's response is hard Atleast I can play victim card But what happens when I manifest one reply An...