Little Kittens's Battle

Birth as 'Human' is thought to be supreme
To be the one, few may dream
Supremacy lies in the fact to "live & let live"
And not to throw a baby kitten in dustbin I believe
The little one was born just a couple of hours before
And the reality of cruelty is seen at its core
This poor thing couldn't walk,see or eat
Is this the way this baby deserves treat?
Let it atleast learn to be on its own
Leave it or love it, let it be grown
Same like you & me,it also deserves to survive
'Human Being' is about "Being Human"-Try! Strive!
My sibling got this baby from dustbin,it was in need
My female Cat which is operated, helped the kitty feed

Day & night,we strived hard to make it feel better
without its mother's milk, its eye is about to shutter
Now its about a week
It's becoming more weak
I named it 'Baby' and tried to take care
And felt how's it being a mother's share
When it cried, I tried to calm it down rather
But it needed to be milked by its mother
Its been a week, you came in my life new

Your importance and worth is known only by few
But my baby is sinking, its in pain
Oh God!it may die and be only in memory lane
We tried our bit to make it breathe
And loved it from Heart's bottom deep
Its no more now, God,please give it that warmth
Which I was unable to comfort
Let me convey my baby that I loved it
But failed to make it live
Baby wherever you are, please
Rest in Peace

lots of love
my dear meow !! :(
(#Baby's battle from 19th April 2016 and died on 26th April 2016)
Composed by
Priyanka Kamath
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