Thursday, 6 June 2024

100. Good Bye

 Good Byes are tough. 

I have been writing since I was 8. However I started with impressing my grandpa, mom and teachers and slowly started to write to express myself. 

Writing was always on and off for me. 2024 was very special as I found so many groups where I could write poems based on the themes given, I joined few Anthologies too, did a bit of creativity. I was obsessed over certificates. 

Today as I mark my 100th post in my blog, I would like to say a Good bye. I have exited all writing communities. However I am thankful for the opportunity to be here where I moved away from toxicity and felt peace and was in my own world enjoying the write ups. 

In this process of writing , I met Sky and I am thankful for the inspiration I received not just to pen down but also to understand my own self . My writing journey with groups was between feb and may 2024. These 4 months in the writing groups were amazing.

I was proudly part of following communities

1.Sharat Inks writing community

2. Story Spheres Alliance

3.Literary writing community

4.Pages and Voices community

5. Inking activants writing community

6. Kagaz aur kalam

7. Creativity ki sprints

8. Creation ki sprints

9.Prolific Art faction community

10.Poetic Essence publications

11. Hope literary community ( Participated in Open mic poetry)

12. Karb e ehsaas community 

13. Elocution competition conducted by pious poetry artist community-Topic Online v/s offline education

14.The Eminent Avenue

15.YMPH daily challenge

16. Anthology with The Crympson crystal on topic Ingredients of creating Woman

17. Anthology with AD publication on topic Sibling

18. Anthology with Poetic essence under topic Serendipity and Separation.

19.Anthology with title  Life aspects and Changes -compiler aakash and surabhi ( IIP)

 Good Job Pri 💖

7 th June 2024

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