Monday 26 August 2024

110. Music

 * Music *

Multiple tune of music is lifes part

To alter the tune to suit our need is an art

Clicking pictures and making memories is my zeal 

As I tend to revisit the memories and feel

Recent instance of an office team outing

There was music , food ,games wing

Excited me started clicking pictures and video 

And filled up my phone memory studio

Unless I have a tripod it's difficult to capture my play

I had to ask one of my peers to record me as I slay 

But I could sense her discomfort with each click 

I understood may be I was asking for too much 

Music which played in my mind of chill

Slowly changed into a new tune fill

After editing I made a 60 second reel 

Saved just 1 picture for memory deal 

So all those 100 videos been

Were now in my trash bin 

I replayed my music of self reflection 

Where this tune led me to a direction 

That living in present moment is fun

Taking one picture for memory and done

If I have to ask someone which can make them uneasy 

Then my share of memories seems falling dizzy 

Sometimes understanding my own acts takes me to a zone 

Where I feel toxic and impulsive starring at phone 

Music has also helped me feel at ease 

To be patient enough to respond in lighter breeze 

It's also vital to be watchful of the music I listen 

My mood changes with music be it sad or fun 

So I replaced fast music with calm beat

Which could help me preserving energy kit

These instances on how music within me and outside 

Keep giving me direction for lifes ride!!!

©️✍️ Priyanka Kamath 

26 August 2024


Splendid 🔥

Beautifully put forth your thoughts and emphasised that using music to cherish and reflect on memories is a powerful experience. You beautifully gave the example of a recent outing with your office team, where you realised the importance of staying in the present during the editing process. Beautifully conveyed the message that music not only enhances the moment but also helps you feel at ease and brings a sense of inner peace. Also underlined its importance in influencing mood and giving direction to life and the journey of life.🔥

Keep inking 

Keep inspiring 🔥

@⁨Priyanka Kamath⁩

Tuesday 20 August 2024

109.Siblings - An enduring relationship

 Siblings - An enduring relationship 

My nature of being possessive 

Has masked self reflection with dew 

There have been times where 

I missed my love share 

I may have questioned on brothers priority at time

All his time I presumed earlier was mine 

I have at times felt a mess

That my space in his heart is now less

Failing to know 

There can be additions in life flow 

But I am princess of my bro

And he is my forever hero 

Recently I was put to test blister

Where I was found manipulative towards my sister 

I understand it was mistake seat

And it's a learning to not repeat 

However crack in a relation is so visible 

I wish I had a timemachine reversible 

Siblings relation is meant to be of laughter and love ball

But eventually my certain responses may have caused it to fall

But then take the lesson and move on 

Similar situation I can act wiser now on

Siblings relation is not all about Grabbing 

It's about giving 

Selflessness is a trait rare 

I am in my learning to be fair 

 Replacing manipulativeness with honesty 

and possessiveness with selflessness 

Is helping me be back my old self as before

To endure my siblings relation with love more!!!

©️✍️ Priyanka Kamath 

20 August 2024



Beautifully presented, the essence of the theme is encapsulated in a short story that brilliantly connects with the dynamics of sibling relationships. Draws attention to selflessness and fairness in personal growth. The beautiful message is that replacing manipulation with honesty and possessiveness with selflessness definitely strengthens the bond between siblings, bringing more love, understanding, harmony and happiness in the relationship.❤️

Keep inking 

Keep inspiring ✍️

@⁨Priyanka Kamath⁩

Monday 12 August 2024

108.Waved the tricolour*


Waved the tricolour*

Waving our National flag has always been a matter of pride

I miss the flag hosting we did back in school days ride

On national occasions we kids had performed wearing costumes with frill

Also paying visit to school for early morning drill

After national anthem I craved for  those sweets

And participating in competition and winning treats

My dream was to be a noteworthy person one day

To host flag and deliver a speech and slay

However the real warriors are always behind the scene ride

Fighting to protect our mother India's pride

Sports back then was not advanced fix

Hence less I saw people representing Olympics

Whenever National anthem plays in the TV for any plays

Doing my bit by standing up and respecting as the flag waves

Now things are much improved , each of us have scope to craft our own story

To be exemplary in respective fields and bring glory

Moreover even if we are mediocre it's fine 

To be a civilised citizen is also a silverline

Any Loreal to our country seems my personal victory

Let India shine , flag waves in pride and make History!!!

Jai Hind 🇮🇳

©️✍️ Priyanka Kamath


Awesome ❤️

The fluttering Tricolour beautifully depicts the pride every Indian feels. The evolution of aspirations from childhood dreams to real world achievements and the importance of individual excellence in today’s society is beautifully depicted. The mention of the real warriors who protect the nation’s pride shows the respect and admiration for those people. Highlighting advancements in sports and emphasising on individual growth and achievement in various fields depicts the changing landscape of opportunities and the importance of individual effort and dedication. The idea of contributing positively to society and cherishing one’s heritage is emphasised.❤️

keep inking 

Keep inspiration 🖋️

@⁨Priyanka Kamath⁩

Monday 5 August 2024

107.Friendship - Wine of life*


*Friendship - Wine of life*

I travel time back to my school days 

Where I expressed friendship in many ways

Friendship day gives me goosebump

Friendship bands as base to include whom to dump

I used to make bands handmade one

The higher the heap of band ,more the fun

Being in all girls school , a boy wishing me on this day was a big deal 

Friendship equals love was then the feel


With time, band reduced as the bandwidth 

Only friend that remained was my mom till her last breath 

With time we all happen to change

Only thing permanent is change 

New people come into life

With a pre-determined shelf life 

I remember I was in tears during my school send off 

As if it's the world's end off

Those scrapbook with all love 

Letter writing with admiration to show 

Now technology is advanced just to say 

We are just a msg away 

But then we tend to not have any matter 

The innocence is thinned up as we got fatter 

My forever friend is my poetry 

It kind of makes me free 

Every time I write it's like a old wine in new bottle 

My best friend is my poems which makes me calm and subtle. 

Finding a friend makes me glee

Self love is to find my friend within me!!!

©️✍️Priyanka Kamath

5 August 2024 


Magnificent ❤️

The journey from the innocence of handmade bands and expressions of love in school days to the solitude of relying on poetry as a forever friend paints a picture of personal growth with changing times. The exploration of technology has affected the nature of connections and relationships that sometimes overshadow the simplicity and honesty of traditional forms of friendship. By emphasizing the importance of developing friendship with oneself, it highlights the idea that true companionship begins from within and expands outward. It is a reminder of the beauty and strength that can be found in solitude, self-reflection, and the pursuit of creative expression as a means of finding connection and fulfillment in life❤️

Keep it up ✍️

@⁨Priyanka Kamath⁩

117. Housewife

  Housewife* Term housewife has evolved over time  The essence of being a homemaker and outshine  I wonder if working in corporate would tag...