Thursday, 31 October 2024

121.CKS Feedback

*CKS Feedback*

CKS writing platform is an emotional feel

I pour out my heart through poems and heal

Didi's feedback is so precious and deep

Sensitivity and creative with love in heap

Certificate and your surprises loop

motivates me to keep writing and take a leap 

Platforms Consistency and sincere efforts is the key here 

I can express my thoughts without any fear

I am blessed to be part of this ever since 

It has brought in me a lot of confidence 

This community is now more than a family 

I thank the team for the efforts done joyfully 

May you prosper and more lourels to come

Happy anniversary,you are awesome !!!

©️✍️ Priyanka kamath


Tuesday, 29 October 2024

120. Dil wali Diwali


Dil waali Diwali 🪔 Anthology

Festival like Diwali was a wishful call

Helping mom with delicacy and distribute to all

Lighting diyas, cleaning home, wishing relatives and friend

May continue now too but those days had a different trend 

The most special thing was it was done with heart 

And festive season connected two ppl miles apart 

Peple used to visit houses to give handmade sweet 

Slowly it turned to store bought treat

I was accepting all the changing phases of festival season

However 'Dil'is missing in Diwali for the the below reason

Back in mangalore my parents stay in a society lane

Last year losing my mom was such a pain

Dad was doing ok as he has health issues odd

And I was looking for a help to stay with him as I stay abroad 

His health conditions wouldn't allow him to travel

And I was just waiting for my arrival 

My dad had his food arranged deal

He felt weak but missed his meal

He fell near gate and hurt his bone

And some road labourer helped him get home 

He called my bro who stays a bit far

I m glad he came on right time to attend dad's scar

As soon as he arrives at night 

my neighbour Nayana sees this and switchs off doors and light 

Due to body pain dad couldn't walk 

Although bro had kept water nearby he couldn't take

Dad calls me and said that he is thirsty and needs water

I called my neighbours for help as a human and not merely as a daughter 

Mrs. Lobo says she is going for mass so can't attend 

My other neighbour Mrs.Mallya who otherwise used to sweets send

Says that to give water noone will come


Other neighbour Kini said he is at work and treated me as if I am troublesome 

Dad's so called friend and relatives  who came to each of our family function


To relish the food, get gossips but none were there to share my concern 

Mrs.Lobo then sends her house help to give dad water 

And then calls me over phone later 

Mentions that for the favour that she has given broad 

She wants me to repay it by giving her nephew a job abroad

Sometimes I feel ppl are less human as technology pace doubles

As noone wants to take any unnecessary troubles

Real help is to be selfless and be kind towards someone in need 

This is what develops in good  karmic seed

Wishing a blissful festival and Pouring my heart with you all

I believe god is holding my hands and will never let me fall

Thankfully a good arrangement for dad is made at place

Only prayers for this Diwali is for him to heal by God's grace !!

©️✍️Priyanka Kamath



Awesomely awesome🔥

Your heart-warming words paint a beautiful picture of the transformation of Diwali, highlighting how it was once a festival of warmth and true bonding, but has now lost some of its essence in the modern world.🔥

Personal experiences highlight the difference between the idealised image of Diwali and the reality of human apathy. Despite the apathy, acts of compassion are also highlighted.Your views on the changing nature of relationships and the impact of technology are insightful. Your prayers for your father's recovery reflect the true spirit of the festival - a time of hope, healing and the triumph of light over darkness.🔥

May your father recover completely, and may Diwali bring you peace, joy and a renewed faith in humanity.🔥

Keep inking 

Keep inspiring 🔥

@⁨Priyanka Kamath⁩

Friday, 25 October 2024

119.Office stories- samosa party smile story*


Office stories- samosa party smile story*

Shortly I will be moving to a team new

Today there was a samosa party as a ice breaker to know 

Let me just put a background of my situation very 

Me earlier working under audit , at present in tax and future with advisory 

My future manager had spotted me in tears way back 

When I was having a tough time with audit team pack 

Today when we met he asked in front of all 

That he had seen me crying standing tall 

Immediately everyone focussed on me more

And it was embarrassing to the core

My present manager answered this dent

That it was past ,let's focus on present 

Then the upcoming manager spoke normally with all of us


And everyone started back chatting without a fuss 

Yet back of my mind I wanted to give him befitting reply 

But the next few months to be trained at work, I would on him rely

If I give any negative vibe any 

I can have tough time so many

I had female managers before 

And they were kind and listened more 

Now if I take up any issues more

I would be fired from job for sure 

So being positive and learning work net

Doing my best and getting permanent

That's my focus 

Yes I should not cry in office to avoid any buzz.

Anyways coming to my second part of pile 

An issue over a smile 

I smiled to my colleague and to smile back he didn't bother 

I could have been silent but I spoke rather

He said he doesn't know me so he didn't smile sheer

So I said you aren't a hero , I smiled as a gesture as you are peer 

He thought he was handsome that I couldn't resist but smile like this 

Gave befitting reply to avoid wrong impression about this 

Possibly I have a lot of baggage in my heart

Which is making me show naive and emotional part

I know I behave stupid at times 

Yet good part is that I am journaling my feelings in this lines 

Someday when I would look back

I would know if I have forgone this baggage pack 

I am in such phase shatter

That I can cry even for tiny matter 

I know this too shall pass sure

I should believe in myself a little more!!!

©️ ✍️Priyanka Kamath



Marvellous 🔥

A poignant moment of vulnerability and resilience is captured beautifully. The candid reflection on the emotional journey from past struggles to current challenges is presented, which is both relatable and inspiring. The contrast between the supportive and understanding current manager and the more indifferent future manager highlighted the complexities of workplace dynamics. The self-awareness of the emotional burden and the determination to overcome, is commendable . Empathy and understanding are portrayed brilliantly with raw honesty and introspective tone.🔥

Beautiful content 🔥

Keep it up 🔥

@⁨Priyanka Kamath⁩

Tuesday, 22 October 2024



There are 3 connections I see broad

With self , close relations and with God 

Just like how phone charger is a must

 for phone to access seamless list

I realised my connection to life's charger when it was lost 

When I do my yoga, prayers ,meditation..

And work with full dedication ..

I feel happier,content and slay

This is how I charge my day

The moment I lean towards certain situation

And give lesser importance to self connection 

I feel a drain in my energy magic ball

And without charger I exhaust them all

These lifestyle discipline which I refer to charger 

Is to be daily connected to myself here

Just like how the phone gets dead 

I shouldn't let my pure soul shed 

Toxicity, negativity is easily found 

But inner connection with self is a lifelong bond 

With charger if misplaced we should  trace it 

With life our charger finds us but we should embrace it 

I was  recently coping up with some personal issue

Routine changed to crying and wiping off tears with tissue 

But I forgot to charge myself, connect and bond 

As a result I was aimlessly focussing on negativity around 

The moment I gave away my worries to god 

Started daily meditation and disciplined routine bond 

I understood that my response to situation made it worse 

I can overcome each test in life's phase

To overcome each test put by life with grace

Being dutiful and Staying connected to self is the base !!!

©️✍️Priyanka Kamath 

22 October 2024


Fantastic 🔥

Beautifully compared to a phone charger to illustrate the idea of the need for constant recharging in life. Emphasised the importance of connecting to oneself through practices such as yoga, meditation and mindful work, which is like a lifesaver and helps to deal with personal challenges and overcome negativity. Perfectly described the need for routine to maintain connection and energy. Showed faith in the process by showing dedication and belief in a higher power (God).🔥

Presented a beautiful and insightful reflection on the importance of connection and gave a beautiful message that staying connected to oneself can help us face life’s challenges more easily.🔥

Keep writing 

Keep Inspiring🔥

@⁨Priyanka Kamath⁩

Tuesday, 15 October 2024

117. Housewife



Term housewife has evolved over time 

The essence of being a homemaker and outshine 

I wonder if working in corporate would tag me as working lady to core 

Considering I come back home and do my household chore

Just as when I do heavy lifting with all charm

I tend to push my capacity in my arm

After household work queue 

I persue my hobby too

I make sure to write weekly one poem atleast 

It really gives confidence in my fist

In addition when I give myself a chance to persue my studies more

It immensely gives me a life purpose for sure

I am aware if motherhood approaches me 

My life would definitely turn 360 degree

I have seen and felt my mom strive hard for us 

By god's grace ,I am all set to do my duty without fuss!!!

©️✍️ Priyanka Kamath 

15 October 2024



An empowering perspective on the diverse roles and contributions of women. Challenging old stereotypes, it shows the strength, resilience and determination that defines the modern housewife. 

Beautifully portrays the physical and mental labour involved in household chores, comparing them to "heavy lifting".🔥

Remembering your mother as a housewife and mother, you beautifully admitted that she was the inspiration for your journey🔥

Keep it upt

Thanks for sharing your beautiful thoughts🔥

@⁨Priyanka Kamath⁩

141. Manifesting Dreams anthology

*Manifesting Dreams* Waiting for someone's response is hard Atleast I can play victim card But what happens when I manifest one reply An...