Friday, 24 May 2024



She had full trust in her boat 

That it would not let her float 

With wind that boat immersed in sea 

And the darkness didn't let her see

She has the swimming ability 

Which let her survive overnight in the sea

She was tired and seemed no more strong 

The dark night seemed way too long 

As the sun rises she gets back some hope 

She decides to swim towards it and cope 

Lessons she took from this situation 

That life is not fair session 

Just like she believed in the boat much 

Reality no one is permanent as such 

Her ability to swim sustained her to survive 

She understands to build skills,always one must strive 

She earlier felt the night was too long a mess 

But she also learnt there is always a Morning after all darkness 

She felt there was no more hope left 

But as sun rose her clarity of thoughts makes this shift 

She is more hopeful for her life to start again

She should swim to reach as " no pain , no gain "!!!

©️ Priyanka Kamath ✍️ 

25 May 2024

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