Monday 27 May 2024

70. A pure souls precious gift

Ode to Holmes…

You are a fictional character, for many…

But for me, you are the very flesh and bone

Who is lively, intelligent, creative, humorous, smart and a damn kind hearted soul…

The very vibe and tribe, for me!!!

Meeting you, was either universe, plan, or sheer luck, or turn of events…

But I consider, myself, worthy, who got , the very privilege of knowing you…

Connect or disconnect, your existence, and aura, would always be there…

All in all, you have your own world, to take care of, and I respect and admire that.

Being in your company, itself, is the , biggest feel, for me…

A different level of happiness, and peace, surrounds me, that’s the kind of infinite impact…

You are Genuine 

You are Pure

You are true 

Never more…never less…

Off all I wish, that , Almighty, always blesses you, with fortune, happiness and all your dreams come true!!!

My life…My tunes…

I would wake up one day…

And everything will be happening on my own will…

I would be , writing my own destiny…

I will be knowing all the coming moments…

Coming instances…coming days…

The coin would flip…

And be heads or tales…

Circumstances will always be in my stride…

Obstacles I would face, yet I would completely know, how to go about them…in the first go itself…

Many would be hits…

The idea of miss…would be negated…

Live life on my own terms…

Won’t be a mere statement…

I would actually be doing…

Everything on my own whims and fancies…

My destiny…would be written by each golden engraverd word…

Where all dreams would come true…

I would do good, for whom so ever I want…

No limitations…no unnecessary thoughts…

Clear thoughts…strong will…

That’s how my self written destiny would go….

Written by Sky

Feb 2024

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