Friday, 5 April 2024

32. Being Indifferent


*Being indifferent*

It's well said than done

To forgive who has hurt someone

In office there are certain instance mine 

Where my equation with my peer was not fine 

There was a series of revenge game 

Where escalating matters and the blame 

Blocking a person in contact list is not a solution ultimate

Learning to deal professionally is a skill to learn ,never too late 

Seeing the person in office was a deal 

When it would disturb me in real 

I started to avoid and not seeing his face

stared to speak to the point , been professional and passed this phase 

Didn't bother if I got a response share 

But did the things right and fair 

This day when we met face to face a while 

We greeted a simple hello with a smile 

I felt I was free and over my stress 

I have let gone and started fresh 

When we let our happiness string 

In others hand to cling 

We often get impacted by even reaction minute 

And end up making our happiness dilute 

But when we own our pathway 

And be professional to who ever comes our way 

We would take a leap 

And focus on our task deep 

There is a way in between for any interaction 

Where we are indifferent to any reaction 

Any job we do , we will come across few 

we need to learn to deal in ways new 

Being indifferent to things which mattered once in past 

Is definitely a small achievement which I believe should last 

Cheers to the new learnings some..

I am what I choose to become !!!

Feedback I received

Marvellous ❤️

Beautifully highlighted a difficult topic. Learning to behave in a professional manner is a skill that must be learned. Beautiful solution given to avoid confrontation in office. Forgiveness is important to deal with people who have hurt you. When meeting face-to-face, a simple namaste can help relieve tension and start afresh. Adopting indifferent responses and being professional can help us focus deeply on tasks. Learning to deal with new ways and being indifferent to past issues is a small achievement that must be maintained for a long time.

keep it up ❤️

@⁨Priyanka Kamath⁩

✍️ Priyanka Kamath

5 April 2024 


Insta - priyankakamath7

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