Saturday, 6 April 2024

34.Letter to Author emphasizing how their work has impacted me *

 *Letter to Author emphasizing how their work has impacted me *

Letter writing has always been close to my heart 

It brings joy in spirits even if we are apart 

With passing years I have reduced to read

But this letter would be a manifestation to never let it fade 

My first letter would be to my dear late grandfather 

Who has been my role model in every form or other 

His books never got published 

For me his work is superior established

'Shani mahatma' was the book he had put his heart and soul 

Through this I came to know about the morals and the lifes goal 

My second letter goes to Ravindra Singh with cheers  

His work ' I too had a love story ' had me in tears 

Writing about someone after losing them is a tough task 

Re- living the pain that one would never ask 

Third letter would be to Padmashri Sudha Murthy mam

I read her two books so far and more to aim

'Wise and other wise' is simplistically beautiful

Her work in ' Gently falls the bakula ' had me so many emotions full 

I had made a video and reviewed her work poetically 

My achievement is that I had received a appreciation email from her magically 

My Fifth letter goes to my dear Mother 

Her work is also unaccounted just like my grandfather

I have her diary and her expression of her experience so beautiful that words lack

I want to express her through this letter that  I miss her to moon and back 

My sixth letter is in draft as I need to write to Robin Sharma when free 

After I complete reading ' The monk who sold his Ferrari '

7 th letter is for my self

Budding writer needs to listen to noone else 

Just write from your heart ,keep improving and take leap

Miles to go before you sleep !!!

✍️ Priyanka kamath

6 th April 2024


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