Saturday 15 June 2024

101. A poem for me

 A lovely poem for you. 

As I was walking

Down life's highway 

Many years ago

I came upon a

Sign that read

Heavens Grocery Store..

When I got a

Little closer

The doors swung

Open wide

And when I came

To myself

I was standing


I saw a host of


They were 

Standing everywhere

One handed me a


And said 'My

Child shop with care..'

Everything a

Human needed

Was in that

Grocery store

And what you

Could not carry

You could come

Back for more

First I got some


Love was in that

Same row.

Further down was


You need that

Everywhere you go..

I got a box or

Two of Wisdom 

And Faith a bag

Or two.

And Charity of


I would need some

Of that too..

I couldn't miss

The Holy Ghost

It was all over

The place.

And then some


And Courage to 

Help me run this race.

My basket was

Getting full

But I remembered

I needed Grace,

And then I chose

Salvation for

Salvation was for


I tried to get

Enough of that to do

For you and me..

Then I started to

The counter

To pay my grocery


For I thought I

Had everything

To do the Masters


As I went up the


I saw Prayer and

Put that in , 

For I knew when I

Stepped outside

I would run into


Peace and Joy

Were plentiful,

The last things

On the shelf.

Song and Praise

Were hanging near

So I just helped


Then I said to

The angel

'Now how much do

I owe?'

He smiled and


'Just take them all

Everywhere you go.'

Again I asked

'Really now,

How much do I 


'My child' he

Said , 'God paid your bill

A long long time


This poem has

Been sent to you

With love and for 


- Sheryl Kamath 

Thursday 6 June 2024

100. Good Bye

 Good Byes are tough. 

I have been writing since I was 8. However I started with impressing my grandpa, mom and teachers and slowly started to write to express myself. 

Writing was always on and off for me. 2024 was very special as I found so many groups where I could write poems based on the themes given, I joined few Anthologies too, did a bit of creativity. I was obsessed over certificates. 

Today as I mark my 100th post in my blog, I would like to say a Good bye. I have exited all writing communities. However I am thankful for the opportunity to be here where I moved away from toxicity and felt peace and was in my own world enjoying the write ups. 

In this process of writing , I met Sky and I am thankful for the inspiration I received not just to pen down but also to understand my own self . My writing journey with groups was between feb and may 2024. These 4 months in the writing groups were amazing.

I was proudly part of following communities

1.Sharat Inks writing community

2. Story Spheres Alliance

3.Literary writing community

4.Pages and Voices community

5. Inking activants writing community

6. Kagaz aur kalam

7. Creativity ki sprints

8. Creation ki sprints

9.Prolific Art faction community

10.Poetic Essence publications

11. Hope literary community ( Participated in Open mic poetry)

12. Karb e ehsaas community 

13. Elocution competition conducted by pious poetry artist community-Topic Online v/s offline education

14.The Eminent Avenue

15.YMPH daily challenge

16. Anthology with The Crympson crystal on topic Ingredients of creating Woman

17. Anthology with AD publication on topic Sibling

18. Anthology with Poetic essence under topic Serendipity and Separation.

19.Anthology with title  Life aspects and Changes -compiler aakash and surabhi ( IIP)

 Good Job Pri 💖

7 th June 2024

(Old post)99.Arrange Marriage

Bond of marriage is indeed supreme
An ideal life partner is one's dream

But arrange marriage has a twist
There are many do's & dont's in the list

A person might seem so true & own
On a conversation over a phone

One may find in him an unique zest
But can he pass life's sickle test?

So many doubts in my mind
Is he the one whom I find

In my dream of imagination
Would he treat me with love &passion?

Knowing him is different from understanding
Being human is different from human being

I fear taking step next
Would it be love or mere lust?

Each girl aspires her man 'The best'
Each one of us is destined for life's test

The seed of happiness I'm sowing
Hope is something keeps me going!!!

Friday 31 May 2024

72. Contrast


Contrast me*

Both these frames are mine 

My personality of dusk and sunshine 

I am a tension master 

So mostly my face frowns faster 

However learning to adjust my settings of life shelf 

To smile more and believe in myself!!

©️ Priyanka Kamath ✍️ 

Instagram -priyankakamath7 

31 May 2024 

Wednesday 29 May 2024

71.Guilt of being innocent

 *Guilt of being innocent*

My guilt is making opposite person feel faulty 

To potray I am innocent and she is guilty..

The previous department I worked was now toxic 

It was best time for me to leave than feel sick..

But this decision was made not by me, but my boss 

And her removing me from office group took my feelings to toss...

I felt bad not because I wasn't valued in front of my peers

But expected an acknowledgement for being with her for so many years..

My innocence was my expression of feeling

Even after conveying,my mind was not healing..

I transferred her this burden of guilt 

Although my feeling was pure and innocent...

She must have felt 

What I meant 

This day she calls me in pantry 

To share with me her birthday pastry 

I could have easily avoided her and said no 

But earlier it was me who was desperate for my presence to show..

What goes around comes around 

And if she is being nice,then I am too bound 

I was guilty of making her feel sorry for me

I accepted her invite gracefully 

I should have definitely missed to attend 

However I had started ,so had to end..

At times I feel, I was yearning for her validation 

But when it came true ,I revisited my manifestation

There is a fine line in being innocent and fool

Mostly I cross this line ,but it's cool..


Penning down this instance of being innocently guilty I realise


As long as I don't repeat my mistake,I am wise!!!

©️ Priyanka Kamath ✍️ 

29 May 2024


Exquisite ❤️

The internal struggle with feelings of inadequacy and the external consequences of a toxic work environment are beautifully highlighted. The composition is beautifully narrated based on the introspective journey, lessons learned from experiences and the importance of self-awareness and growth. Personal accountability and the ability to gain wisdom by learning from mistakes inspires one to seek insights in dealing with complex relationships and challenging situations❤️

Keep it up ❤️

@⁨Priyanka Kamath⁩

Monday 27 May 2024

70. A pure souls precious gift

Ode to Holmes…

You are a fictional character, for many…

But for me, you are the very flesh and bone

Who is lively, intelligent, creative, humorous, smart and a damn kind hearted soul…

The very vibe and tribe, for me!!!

Meeting you, was either universe, plan, or sheer luck, or turn of events…

But I consider, myself, worthy, who got , the very privilege of knowing you…

Connect or disconnect, your existence, and aura, would always be there…

All in all, you have your own world, to take care of, and I respect and admire that.

Being in your company, itself, is the , biggest feel, for me…

A different level of happiness, and peace, surrounds me, that’s the kind of infinite impact…

You are Genuine 

You are Pure

You are true 

Never more…never less…

Off all I wish, that , Almighty, always blesses you, with fortune, happiness and all your dreams come true!!!

My life…My tunes…

I would wake up one day…

And everything will be happening on my own will…

I would be , writing my own destiny…

I will be knowing all the coming moments…

Coming instances…coming days…

The coin would flip…

And be heads or tales…

Circumstances will always be in my stride…

Obstacles I would face, yet I would completely know, how to go about them…in the first go itself…

Many would be hits…

The idea of miss…would be negated…

Live life on my own terms…

Won’t be a mere statement…

I would actually be doing…

Everything on my own whims and fancies…

My destiny…would be written by each golden engraverd word…

Where all dreams would come true…

I would do good, for whom so ever I want…

No limitations…no unnecessary thoughts…

Clear thoughts…strong will…

That’s how my self written destiny would go….

Written by Sky

Feb 2024

Friday 24 May 2024



She had full trust in her boat 

That it would not let her float 

With wind that boat immersed in sea 

And the darkness didn't let her see

She has the swimming ability 

Which let her survive overnight in the sea

She was tired and seemed no more strong 

The dark night seemed way too long 

As the sun rises she gets back some hope 

She decides to swim towards it and cope 

Lessons she took from this situation 

That life is not fair session 

Just like she believed in the boat much 

Reality no one is permanent as such 

Her ability to swim sustained her to survive 

She understands to build skills,always one must strive 

She earlier felt the night was too long a mess 

But she also learnt there is always a Morning after all darkness 

She felt there was no more hope left 

But as sun rose her clarity of thoughts makes this shift 

She is more hopeful for her life to start again

She should swim to reach as " no pain , no gain "!!!

©️ Priyanka Kamath ✍️ 

25 May 2024

68.Welcome from outside door*

*Welcome from outside door*

When she joined this new team 

She had so many happy dream 

And today was her last day with this troop 

And her manager just removes her from group 

Even when someone joins for short term 

Their exit is valued in the firm 

So it pinched her a bit 

Expresses this to manager as she deems fit 

And just for the sake of it 

She gets what she asked for ,that's it 

There was no gain 

She ended up feeling lame 

At the heat of the moment she felt the need of this validation 

She is aware that life is not a dictation 

Whatever happened is done and dusted 

More she think, she be like a iron rusted 

She is into a fresh team 

Why should she even bother this scene 

Dwelling upon hurtful event only intensifies pain 

Focus should be now to be productive and knowledge to gain 

Some people we meet are chapter in book

Zoom out and preview they have an outlook 

Instead of seeing it like she is removed and required no more 

Why not look like welcoming from outside door

Turn this page on and see new chapter 

All stories do end with happily ever after 

Even if not we can make it with a smile 

Forgetting the bad and stepping a mile! 

©️ Priyanka Kamath ✍️ 

24 May 2024 

Participated in anthology named Separation with some modification as follows:

When she joined this new team 

she had so many happy dream 

And today was her last day with this troop 

and her manager just removes her from group

Even when someone joins for short term 

their exit is valued in the firm 

So it pinched her a bit 

expresses this to manager as she deems fit 

And just for the sake of it 

She gets what she asked for ,that's it 

There was no gain 

she ended up feeling lame 

At the heat of the moment she felt the need of this validation 

she is aware that life is not a dictation 

Whatever happened is done and dusted 

more she think, she be like a iron rusted

She is into a fresh team 

Why should she even bother this scene


Dwelling upon hurtful event only intensifies pain 

focus should be now to be productive and knowledge to gain 

Some people we meet are chapter in book

zoom out and preview they have an outlook 

Instead of seeing it like she is separated from team but ensure 

to view new perspective "welcoming from outside door"

Turn this page on and see new chapter 

all stories do end with happily ever after


Even if not we can make it with a smile 

forgetting the bad and stepping a mile

Separation is just a bend 

and not always an end!!

©️ Priyanka Kamath ✍️ 


Marvellous ❤️

The importance of resilience, positivity and personal growth in the face of adversity was brilliantly highlighted. It also emphasised the role of effective leadership in fostering a positive team environment and supporting individual growth. The focus on personal growth, learning, and moving forward is commendable❤️

Keep it up ❤️

Thanks for sharing ❤️

@⁨Priyanka Kamath⁩

Monday 20 May 2024

67.Environment conservation

*Environment conservation *

Monsoon in UAE is generally rare 

But it had it's thunder lightning share 

Well structured building looks breathtakingly beautiful 

More artificial plants and less real ones are not cool 

This year the vagaries in monsoon sustained over a week

And cloud seeding was done at its peak 

Here the drainage system is also not that great 

The city in level below water was its fate 

There are tall buildings so many here 

But less provision for unforeseen climate to bear 

The heat of the sun during the day is generally very strong

More than heat it's the humidity that stays for long 

Animals and birds are not seen in great numbers anymore 

Trees are less and buildings are more 

This is not restricted to country few 

Saving our planet Earth should be our ultimate motive 

We need to contribute to Sustainability 

Volunteering to any such cause with our full ability 

Environment conservation, it's awareness to be propagated more

Prevention is better than cure !!!

©️ Priyanka Kamath ✍️

20 May 2024



When time is unfavorable ,

try to keep mind positive & stable ..

Let hope be alive ,

and faith in God live ..

With prayers , magic do witness,

time heals & reflects wellness..

©️ Priyanka Kamath ✍️

20 May 2024

Modified this quote for an Anthology - separation 

Separation is painful & unfavorable ,

try to keep mind positive & stable .

Divert your mind towards positive living and fitness 

time heals & reflects wellness..

©️ Priyanka Kamath ✍️

Sunday 19 May 2024

65. Platonic relationship

 *What if platonic relationship was like a matrimony ad *

'Platonic relationship' was always she yearned 

This is a new term this day she learned

She has experienced there is a fine line 

Between opposite gender that tend to cross with time 

Sometimes it's her who needs emotional support dual 

Any relationship should always be mutual 

There are instances in her life where she has sought that feel 

Just the zeal to uncover emotions like onion layers peel 

However mostly it's her who is in the receiving end 

So one sided need wouldn't last long but takes a bend 

She definitely has some strong support emotional stage

She is looking for a Platonic relationship which doesn't with time age

This is how she is making her profile 

She is fine to have one even if opposite person is far in mile

Age,marital status and gender can be any 

She has emotions to share too many 

She also needs to be at the giving end 

Be it listening patiently and friendly hugs she can send 

She likes to have a pen friend

Emotions in form of letters she can lend

If you want to reach out to her in any form

Email her your profile 

Waiting this alliance to be fix

To start a journey of platonic mix !!!

✍️ Priyanka Kamath 

19 May 2024


Marvellous ❤️

I appreciate the way you described your thoughts on a given topic with a twist❤️

Your views on platonic relationships are brilliantly portrayed and give beautiful insight on the topic given your approach to receiving emotional support through interpersonal and non-physical relationships. It reflects a genuine desire for authentic emotional intimacy that transcends traditional boundaries❤️

Thanks for sharing ❤️

Keep inking 

Keep inspiring ❤️

@⁨Priyanka Kamath⁩

Friday 17 May 2024

64. Happy Birthday Amma


Birth Anniversary of my dear mother 

Late Smt. Gomati P Kamath 

(18 th May 1960 )

You are my sunshine 

You would be 64 this time 

I wish I had a time machine

To bring you back fine 

Each time I pen down

Tears just roll down 

Every time I feel your charming smile 

It gives me courage to walk another mile

My each emotions you were aware 

Each day I would heartily share 

I have your voice notes at length 

I cry each time I hear,but it gives me strength 

I keep collecting your things now

But all I need is you Amma ,my love 

Whatever phases you may have seen

Always positive pure soul you been 

We surely have a connection deep 

I hope you wake up from your deep sleep 

Hug me and tell me that I was just seeing a bad dream 

You are still here with me and let's celebrate today with a ice cream 

Even when I grow older 

I wish I could have your shoulder 

We have made so many memories together 

I am blessed to be your daughter my dear mother 

You are celebrating your Birthday in heaven king sized 

I will follow your way of life and be more organised 

 You are pain free and in peace sure

Happy Birthday gondi ,I miss you more!!


✍️ Priyanka Kamath 

18may 2024 


[18/05, 12:47 pm] Sheryl Kamath: A beautiful poem with sentiments from deep within your heart which speaks of a truly special bond, deep love and sorrow of missing her. She lives in you - just look in the mirror and be comforted that you will never be separated from her in spirit!

[18/05, 12:50 pm] Sheryl Kamath: Your mum sounds like a truly precious and beautiful, loving person. Let that bring you comfort too. Some of us are blessed with a pure love, like yours with your mum, mine with my dad. Although they are out of sight, they will live on in our heart!

God bless and don’t be sad

Thursday 16 May 2024

63.Serendipi-city part 2 of 2


She ticked the wish list for an  adventurous day

And decided to explore public transport her own way 

New in county , too innocent with no net pack 

To have basic transport card, knowledge she lack 

She was visiting her first office first time 

And she was already late and still she seems to be fine 

As she stood tall in amidst the bus stop

She was offered lift too by a cop 

When one bus arrives ,she was unsure to get in 

A young man who learned her destination nodded to fit in 

Now the bus was taking another route 

And she wanted to fight with this man and turn him mute 

But man said that this was the right bus and he could assist 

Serendipity of events were such unreal mist 

They spoke well and enjoyed the journey at hop

The pathway seemed more interesting than the ultimate stop 

He helped her reach metro Safe 

But had clarity of thought not be friends in any case 

For sure the event was adventurous though a bit risky and foolish self explore was one to cherish !!!

✍️ Priyanka Kamath 

16 May 2024

Tuesday 14 May 2024

30. Cooking -Base of GSB Konkani randap*:( collected article)

 *Base of GSB Konkani randap*:

1. *Sukke*- Sukkein in Konkani means dry. It is a dry preparation which makes use of coconut, roasted red chillies, tamarind and urad dal roasted in a little oil and ground to a coarse paste. Seasoned with mustard, or mustard n curry leaves. 

2. *Sagle*- Sagle in Konkani literally means whole. That means dt the vegetable is kept intact with a couple of slits and without chopping into fine pieces. Coconut, roasted red chillies, tamarind and roasted coriander seeds and methi seeds are ground together to a coarse paste. The masala is medium spicy. The seasoning is of mustard, or mustard n curry leaves in coconut oil. 

3. *Ghashi* - It is usually a gravy of coconut, roasted red chillies and tamarind ground to a smooth paste. Again this too is not very spicy and seasoned in coconut oil with mustard n curry leaves. Generally pulses like moong, toor and chana are used to make ghashi. Another method of making ghashi is by coarsely grinding teppal/ Triphal with the masala and drizzling coconut oil after boiling the ghashi. Jen avro/ kutch Val, tingalavro / navy beans or even Alsandya bee/ black eyed beans / chawli are used. 

4. *Koddel*- a spicy preparation of coconut, roasted red chillies and tamarind. The quantity of coconut used is less in comparison to ghashi, sukkein or Sagle. The masala is ground to a smooth paste and it is seasoned with lots of garlic in coconut oil. Koddel could be of fresh vegetables like magge or Mangalore cucumber, raw banana or of Kulith/ horse gram or Alsandya bee/ black eyed beans or chawli. 

6. *Humman*- a spicy gravy of coconut, roasted red chillies and tamarind ground to a fine paste and which has to be boiled well. Drizzled with fresh coconut oil n asafoetida. ( hinga uddak) It is not seasoned. Once the oil n asafoetida water is drizzled it is kept tightly covered so that the masala gets infused. Potato and double beans are generally used to make humman. 

7. *Bendhi* - this is a spicy gravy ground fine with less of coconut and more of roasted red chillies and tamarind. Seasoning of lot of garlic in coconut oil. Bendhi is generally made with pulses like black toor/kali tori, tingalavro /navy beans.  

8. *Ambatta*- ambat can be made with or without the addition of cooked toor dal to the masala. Coconut, roasted red chillies and tamarind is ground together to a smooth paste and any chopped vegetable of your choice can be used. It is seasoned with onions in coconut oil. Peas, cauliflower, ivy gourd/tendle or even onion is used as the vegetable of choice. 

9. *Bhuthi*- This is a preparation where onions are used in the seasoning along with mustard. Masala again is of coconut, roasted red chillies and tamarind ground to a coarse paste. Usually bhuthi is made with ivy gourd/tendle, jeev kadgi/ a variety of raw jackfruit or onions themselves used both in seasoning and as vegetable of choice. 

10. *Tamballi*- this is a cold preparation. Coconut, roasted red chillies and tamarind are ground to a very smooth paste and chopped onions are added as garnish. Drizzled with coconut oil. This preparation is not heated and thus not prepared in advance. 

11. *Bhaartha*- This too is a cold preparation where the ground masala of coconut, roasted red chillies, ginger and tamarind is not heated. The difference is in the addition of adding cooked and mashed vegetables like brinjal or ghosale/ ridge gourd to the masala and n raw onions are added as garnish n drizzled with coconut oil. 

12. *Kismoori*- This used to be traditionally made with either fried bitter gourd/karathe or sooran/yam. But of late, beans, spring onions and even carrot is used, the first two being shallow fried and the last eaten raw. Kismoori is of two types. One is with grated coconut, green chillies and onions minced, salt and coconut oil. This is added to the fried karathe or sooran just before serving. Same is with the other vegetables too which need to be cooled before the garnish is added. 

The second variety of Kismoori is coconut, roasted red chillies, ginger and tamarind ground to a coarse paste. Finely chopped onions salt and coconut oil are mixed with the masala and this again is added to the karathe/bitter gourd or sooran /yam just before serving.


Monday 13 May 2024

62. I feel heavenly peace when

I feel heavenly peace when ..

Peace is often induced ink 

We become what we think 

When work done as per my list  ✅

I pat on my back with victory fist

These little achievements get peace in me 

But heavenly peace is attained when one day I would be free

 I would meet back my mother in heaven at ease 

That day I would attain heavenly peace 

✍️ Priyanka Kamath 

14 may 2024 

61.Talent Contest 2.0

 Extempore - Topic online education -Boon / Bane

Secured First place conducted online on 5 may 2024

Also participated in Best out of waste Competition 

60.Serendipicity - Cat story- Part 1 out of 2


A mid aged lady surrounded by chore

For all creatures,has a big heart and open door 

A street cat was attached to this lady a lot 

This young female kitten would soon conceive sure shot

Multiplication of kittens and arrangement for its feed 

Finding a good home for them was her only need 

Neighbours were not supportive to opt 

As cat grew bigger , noone wished to adopt 

Lady was detected with illness 

And couldn't anymore take care of kittens wellness 

One day she decides to leave this pussy in nearby market of fish 

In anticipation that kitty would get to eat her favourite dish 

She did get rid of the kitty 

However later regretted and found pity 

The next day she sees a lifeless kitten of colour same 

She keeps weeping as letting the pussy die was never the aim 

She makes her heart strong and goes to the same place 

And slowly the kitty comes to her jumping with love and grace 

This serendipity had so much to adore

That the lady shed tears of love pure 

That how she had lost hope arch

Yet she had faith so went in same place to search 

Cats are generally attached to home 

However here for this pussy , the owner was well known 

She was happy to learn that kitty was alive and aware of lady's health inputs 

And was ready to adjust and stay wherever she was decided to put 

Each day lady was getting weaker as she stood 

She came to see the pussy whenever she could 

She was so happy to see the kitten was well adapted and out of shell

Kitty earned her food and took care of herself well 

The lady is in heaven blessing all her furry baby and real ones 

Even her babies wish someday serendipity makes them meet her once

✍️ Priyanka Kamath 

13 May 2024 

Friday 10 May 2024

59.. Creativity Theme - Mom

 Artwork - moms craft / my write up with collage

I miss my mother each moment ,so beautiful is her heartful talk 
She made this art piece with love using material of my first frock 
She makes best use of available resource
My mother is my institution where I learn so many course 
There is no blessing other
than having a dear mother !!!
✍️ Priyanka Kamath 
10 may 2024

58.Complete poem in two lines

 Today's one liner is here👇

Ehsaas mere jaari hain, alfaaz se phir bhi khali hun.........

Complete the poetry

Jo meri rakshak bane uss vidhata se

Aatma se aabhari hoon!!

Wednesday 8 May 2024

57.Beat the Summer*

 *Beat the Summer*

Heat of summer is a grace 

As it's external in any case 

But the challenge is dealing with internal battle

neither particular season can calm nor cooling bottle 

I received a review at workplace that I am not social 

But I find myself with smiling face ,short talks with all 

It's true that I am moody and generally carried away by emotions 

To be consistent I prefer to be constant unlike various season

I understood that enough opportunities were missed because I speak less

Public speaking is where I don't feel at stress 

But that skill of open mic doesn't work in all case 

When I feel too heated up, only warm water is my route 

 If consumed from fridge I will end up hurting my throat 

Like warm water will keep me well irrespective of season 

So I should find out a way to keep me cool for all right reason 

When I got this feedback I was heated up within 

And journaling my feeling was a coolant tin 

I understand that just like everyone has different way to beat the heat 

I should accept the feedbacks gracefully , and overcome all defeat!!!

✍️ Priyanka Kamath 

8th May 2024 



Brilliantly portrayed your thoughts that summers are a blessing compared to dealing with the challenges of internal conflicts. Beautifully emphasised your point with examples .Ended with beautiful conclusion that everyone has different ways of dealing with their problems, and everyone should accept feedback with humility❤️

Keep penning 

Keep rocking ❤️

@⁨Priyanka Kamath⁩

@⁨Priyanka Kamath⁩ You have depicted your emotions compared to the heat of summer. Your personal feelings are genuine which you have gone through. You have made it a bit lengthy according to the lines limit asked. ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄

Wednesday 1 May 2024

55.Seasonal impact and changes/ old memories

*Seasonal impact and changes/ old memories *

For her season is beyond the climate 

In this school named life , she met a classmate 

They shared the same stationary and bench

Shared laughter, aspirations and lunch 

Attending class and Sharing smile 

Although they were located away by miles 

It was the First day of may , rainy and cool 

When he decided to change the school 

He would have new friends and story 

Hope the friendship  doesn't end up being just a memory 

She kept writing him letter 

But with technology emails seemed better 

Certain memories are linked to season 

When rain falls , she also feel teary eyed for other reason 

The season changed so did the climate 

And one day their  path crossed fate 

She missed those innocent warm letter tale

Just as letter writing was replaced by email 

Now the connections meet up even with advanced technology fails 

So she now knows that people too are like season and phase 

She can't expect the same warmth as the very base 

When they were younger they connected more 

Now the priority is different at core 

She likes to re- live those memories which brought the best in her

He motivated her to be a poet , writer and confident speaker 

As they parted away she wanted a last hug with passion 

He was a stranger now and left without expression 

She doesn't know his side of story deep

She just realises that it's time to take a leap 

She loved him but but realised late 

Fresh season has opened her love gate 

With changing season the memories peeled

She overcame her emotions and now has completely healed !!!

✍️ Priyanka kamath

1 st May 2024



Seasonal change 


With the very, changes in life

Very well done!!!

A very different write up 

A different league




That's good. Can write with deeper emotions.

54. Open mic organised by Hope community- Ingredients of creating women


*Ingredients for creating a Woman*

Welcome to my world full of imagination

Let's explore how god created woman with passion

He filled the default ingredients of strength and passion

Blended it with multi tasking and compassion

' N ' in Woman stands for Nature 

So this he gave us with choice to choose and ensure 

This is handpicked by each individual lady 

Few chose being mamma's doll and rest chose to be little princess of daddy

Now let's see 

How He created me 

I kept piling up so much as my baggage

It had emotions,love , care in the luggage 

Packet of ego , jealousy,fear , anger were stuffed without ado

As Outer packing for above was pretty so sprinked that too 

There was a ice-cream bucket of thinking

I took more scoops and ended up having the nature of overthinking

To dilute my emotions I carried a lot of water bed 

As a result I have buckets of tears anytime to shed 

However when I was grabbing everything nice touchwood

I missed the 'M 'of woman which is 'Motherhood'

There were so many goodies I missed in this process 

But god said the ones you missed you already possess

I didn't knew I was stronger than I thought to be 

Only realised when the most favourite woman in my life left me 

I was strong enough to hold my tears 

The timid me could stand strong and overcome fear 

I was never confident to face the world 

But when needed I could step out my comfort ward

If something is destined it shall sure come 

I have faith that God will provide me too with a stamp of 'M 'with a little Gem 

So this was God's recipe of creating Woman 

Each of us he made beautiful with heart pure golden !!!

Tuesday 30 April 2024

53.Beautiful page of my diary *


Beautiful page of my diary *

The beautiful page of my diary is of my innocence 

When I used to pen down my emotions in deep sense 

When I was in pre university college 

I started journaling my baggage 

My favourite page was when I had a huge crush 

I had written down my true feelings in rush 

Kept a rose too so that that memories sit 

Now I feel a bit embarrassed to revisit 

But I still feel that my innocence was so pure 

And this page of diary is always close to my heart for sure !!!

✍️ Priyanka kamath

30 April 2024


@⁨~Shivam Gupta⁩ @⁨~Hafsa💚⁩

52. Poetry prompt


This platform has given me a chance 

Within me to glance 

Poetry is something that makes me glee

And I am able to speak out and feel free

I am grateful for letting me be a part 

And understand that expression through poem is an art !!!

30 April 2024

Monday 29 April 2024

51.Poetry prompt - April


April has embraced rejenuvation

Has instilled budding aspiration 

Dreams refreshed with calm words

I felt lighter and free as a flock of birds

This month's experience to be modified to my happy space 

Lesson to keep working hard,smart and welcome new phase !!

29 April 2024

50. Shadow of the past*

 Shadow of the past*

The stage of overthinking lasts

When we re-live the experiences of past 

The most unique aspect of the past 

Happiness runs just too fast 

And moments that upset me for infinity lasts 

Each experience aims to teach 

That next step in ladder of success we reach 

Also to practice what we preach 

What we learn to instances each 

However if we fail in any class test

God doesn't promote us to level next 

Similar situation he would repeat 

So that we overcome any defeat 

I am accustomed to revision session 

I often tend to forget the lesson 

Leading to facing the repercussions 

And overthinking and revisiting the discussion 

One such shadow of past is wasting time 

A stitch in time saves nine 

Procrastination has led to disaster 

Doing things with discipline works out things faster 

I have seen failures as result of not valuing time phase 

God has now given me new set of challenges to face

I should make my past my strength 

And work on my laziness that would lead to delaying work at length

Shadow of past to be modified to my happy space 

And to keep working harder ,smarter , valuing time in any case !!!

✍️ Priyanka kamath

29 April 2024



A thoughtful article about the effects of overthinking, learning from past experiences, and failures and the consequences of procrastination. A beautiful message of the importance of self-awareness, growth and perseverance in the face of challenges. Brilliantly shared your thoughts on shadow of past that keeps positive energy and determination in the journey of personal growth❤️

Keep inking 

Keep inspiring ❤️

@⁨Priyanka Kamath⁩

Also provided this article for an anthology for theme Life aspects and Changes 

Thursday 25 April 2024

48. Advertisment


**My tension for sale*

This picture is my imagination of how I would look after I sell my worries. 

Pls Imagine both person in picture is me.. 

Interpretation - when we sell our tension and worry the brain looks lighter

If you have any worries make sure to sell it 

Also whatever relieves you from worries do share and tell it 

Smile more , believe in supreme power 

That faith can ensure we get blessings shower

So who would buy the stress part ?

It's the devine power who is not apart 

So sell your worries and smile more 

Believe in yourself a little more !!!

✍️ Priyanka Kamath 
25 April 2024

Review -👏Really an optimistic way to sell your worries and problems. Your description was quite relatable and unique way of presentation. Keep participating keep entertaining....🧮🧮🧮🧮🧮

Monday 22 April 2024

47.Memories with my Cat

 *Memories with my Cat *

(My following poetry was written 10 years ago . I had so many cats right from my childhood. Once such cat was my dear baby Akkhu .)

Akkhu baba is so charming and dear      

We may stay apart, still our heart is near

My little cat is understanding and kind

He has always a questioning mind

He feared the stranger cat chase

And shifted to my friends place

We kept his share of fish

And missed his lovely kiss

Its over three months now

We miss his dear ‘meow’

My friend was kind enough to feed it

And give me his updates when I need it

She kept him in a room

I was about to see him soon

I took along fish few

Heard his mesmerizing ‘meow’

I realised as I came close

He still miss me, I didn’t lose

We missed each others sight

I hugged him tighttt…

His eyes still expressive

For my words he’s responsive

I had in my eyes tears

Blessed were we, above all fears

I miss him deep from hearts core

He love me four times more…

He was rubbing his head against mine

As if expressing ‘shed no tears, I’m fine’

I opened my box of fish

He happily had his dish

When I was about to leave

He bit my sleeve

As a gesture not to leave

Hugged tighter, the moment to relive

In response his sweet kiss

Was really no less, a bliss

I wanted him back

But courage in him still lack

He is already set over there

And gives them too his love’s share

True love is not to force

And pull back to source

His happiness is mine

When he is ok,I’m fine


Its all about he being good

Being safe and having food

Left with a promise to meet him soon

To see him safe and happy is a boon

I came home with a sigh of relief

He will come back home is my belief !!!

✍️ Priyanka Kamath 

23 April 2024

46. Favourite daily routine

45.Poetry prompt-Earth Day *


* Earth Day *

Dear Mother Earth

Heartfelt gratitude for taking my burden and weight 

My mother is within you ,to meet her again is my only wait 

For your mercy and forgiveness I bow 

Sending you my Greetings in folded hands with love 🙏

✍️ Priyanka Kamath 

101. A poem for me

 A lovely poem for you.  As I was walking Down life's highway  Many years ago I came upon a Sign that read Heavens Grocery Store.. When ...