Tuesday, 30 April 2024

53.Beautiful page of my diary *


Beautiful page of my diary *

The beautiful page of my diary is of my innocence 

When I used to pen down my emotions in deep sense 

When I was in pre university college 

I started journaling my baggage 

My favourite page was when I had a huge crush 

I had written down my true feelings in rush 

Kept a rose too so that that memories sit 

Now I feel a bit embarrassed to revisit 

But I still feel that my innocence was so pure 

And this page of diary is always close to my heart for sure !!!

✍️ Priyanka kamath

30 April 2024


@⁨~Shivam Gupta⁩ @⁨~Hafsa💚⁩

52. Poetry prompt


This platform has given me a chance 

Within me to glance 

Poetry is something that makes me glee

And I am able to speak out and feel free

I am grateful for letting me be a part 

And understand that expression through poem is an art !!!

30 April 2024

Monday, 29 April 2024

51.Poetry prompt - April


April has embraced rejenuvation

Has instilled budding aspiration 

Dreams refreshed with calm words

I felt lighter and free as a flock of birds

This month's experience to be modified to my happy space 

Lesson to keep working hard,smart and welcome new phase !!

29 April 2024

50. Shadow of the past*

 Shadow of the past*

The stage of overthinking lasts

When we re-live the experiences of past 

The most unique aspect of the past 

Happiness runs just too fast 

And moments that upset me for infinity lasts 

Each experience aims to teach 

That next step in ladder of success we reach 

Also to practice what we preach 

What we learn to instances each 

However if we fail in any class test

God doesn't promote us to level next 

Similar situation he would repeat 

So that we overcome any defeat 

I am accustomed to revision session 

I often tend to forget the lesson 

Leading to facing the repercussions 

And overthinking and revisiting the discussion 

One such shadow of past is wasting time 

A stitch in time saves nine 

Procrastination has led to disaster 

Doing things with discipline works out things faster 

I have seen failures as result of not valuing time phase 

God has now given me new set of challenges to face

I should make my past my strength 

And work on my laziness that would lead to delaying work at length

Shadow of past to be modified to my happy space 

And to keep working harder ,smarter , valuing time in any case !!!

✍️ Priyanka kamath

29 April 2024



A thoughtful article about the effects of overthinking, learning from past experiences, and failures and the consequences of procrastination. A beautiful message of the importance of self-awareness, growth and perseverance in the face of challenges. Brilliantly shared your thoughts on shadow of past that keeps positive energy and determination in the journey of personal growth❤️

Keep inking 

Keep inspiring ❤️

@⁨Priyanka Kamath⁩

Also provided this article for an anthology for theme Life aspects and Changes 

Thursday, 25 April 2024

48. Advertisment


**My tension for sale*

This picture is my imagination of how I would look after I sell my worries. 

Pls Imagine both person in picture is me.. 

Interpretation - when we sell our tension and worry the brain looks lighter

If you have any worries make sure to sell it 

Also whatever relieves you from worries do share and tell it 

Smile more , believe in supreme power 

That faith can ensure we get blessings shower

So who would buy the stress part ?

It's the devine power who is not apart 

So sell your worries and smile more 

Believe in yourself a little more !!!

✍️ Priyanka Kamath 
25 April 2024

Review -👏Really an optimistic way to sell your worries and problems. Your description was quite relatable and unique way of presentation. Keep participating keep entertaining....🧮🧮🧮🧮🧮

Monday, 22 April 2024

47.Memories with my Cat

 *Memories with my Cat *

(My following poetry was written 10 years ago . I had so many cats right from my childhood. Once such cat was my dear baby Akkhu .)

Akkhu baba is so charming and dear      

We may stay apart, still our heart is near

My little cat is understanding and kind

He has always a questioning mind

He feared the stranger cat chase

And shifted to my friends place

We kept his share of fish

And missed his lovely kiss

Its over three months now

We miss his dear ‘meow’

My friend was kind enough to feed it

And give me his updates when I need it

She kept him in a room

I was about to see him soon

I took along fish few

Heard his mesmerizing ‘meow’

I realised as I came close

He still miss me, I didn’t lose

We missed each others sight

I hugged him tighttt…

His eyes still expressive

For my words he’s responsive

I had in my eyes tears

Blessed were we, above all fears

I miss him deep from hearts core

He love me four times more…

He was rubbing his head against mine

As if expressing ‘shed no tears, I’m fine’

I opened my box of fish

He happily had his dish

When I was about to leave

He bit my sleeve

As a gesture not to leave

Hugged tighter, the moment to relive

In response his sweet kiss

Was really no less, a bliss

I wanted him back

But courage in him still lack

He is already set over there

And gives them too his love’s share

True love is not to force

And pull back to source

His happiness is mine

When he is ok,I’m fine


Its all about he being good

Being safe and having food

Left with a promise to meet him soon

To see him safe and happy is a boon

I came home with a sigh of relief

He will come back home is my belief !!!

✍️ Priyanka Kamath 

23 April 2024

46. Favourite daily routine

45.Poetry prompt-Earth Day *


* Earth Day *

Dear Mother Earth

Heartfelt gratitude for taking my burden and weight 

My mother is within you ,to meet her again is my only wait 

For your mercy and forgiveness I bow 

Sending you my Greetings in folded hands with love 🙏

✍️ Priyanka Kamath 

Sunday, 21 April 2024


 Earrings *

My mom had given me her first earnings which is a earring of gold

My father had made efforts to keep ready my wedding jewellery of gold 

This is a instance of 2017 when attended my cousin's wedding buzz

I paired my mom's earrings with the jhumka which dad made and went in bus 

The wind was too much 

I didn't notice such 

But as I my stop was approaching I felt something is missing for sure

I was in panic when I saw my one side of earring was not there anymore 

Firstly it has sentimental value old 

Secondly its valuable as is made of gold 

I was not sure if the earrings fell outside bus due to wind 

Or do I hope to search within bus and find 

Finally beneath my seat I found the jhumka hanging

And the earring was covered with the dirt ready to swing 

I can't remember how much I thanked god for getting me something I thought I almost lost 

I could never estimate the amount of loss at any cost 

By this I took the learning to never wear precious jewellery when choosing public transport 

I need to be cautious, careful and be ready to face any issue if ever happens of similar sort 

Earrings for me not just adds beauty 

It also gives me confidence and helps me perform well in my duty 

Especially when I am too low ,I wear the one that mom gave

It instantly boosts up my confidence and from extreme situations it saves

The topic on earrings brought back my memories old 

And also the learnings I took when I lost my earrings of gold !!!

✍️ Priyanka Kamath 

21 April 2024 

Instagram -priyankakamath7 


A beautiful story is engaging and relatable, with a clear message about being cautious with valuable items in public settings. It effectively combines personal experience with a lesson learned, making it both entertaining and instructive❤️

@⁨Priyanka Kamath⁩

Saturday, 20 April 2024




The phase of darkness is making me so low 

Everything goes against me , to almighty I bow 

I need to be confident and believe in self now

Each dark night has a morning above 

Everything happens for a reason I know 

In hands of god we are puppet show 

Let me just go with the flow 

Everything will be fine I believe so !!!

✍️ Priyanka kamath

20 April 2024 

Wednesday, 17 April 2024

42. Poetry prompt


Petals are dancing, Painting the calm sky with colour

I can sense new perspective metaphor 

The petals plucked are dancing in the tune of wind

In life ,let's make way and right direction to find 

Kindness is a colour of choice 

Be it creatures ,flower or otherwise 

Let's rise , shine ,learn and practice gratitude in ton 

Let's paint our sky with colour of freedom!!!

✍️ Priyanka kamath

17 April 2024 

Monday, 15 April 2024

41. Connection


Being a bright student in my college 

I thought it's best to opt for CA this age

Clearing my entrance level and intermediate was smooth flow 

But repeated failures in CA finals kept me constantly low 

Apart from Articleship I didn't have any experience in work 

Having to eat homemade food from mom was my only perk 

My qualification has been somewhere in between which didn't fetch me job 

After marriage too I kept trying for work but would only sob 

I wanted to experience how working outside felt like to be free

I kept on giving interviews and finally Big 4 happened to me 

I love my work very much 

I am ever grateful to workday each 

Being a working lady in addition to being homemaker made me so much in peace 

I imagined how my earnings would support me in future expenses and kids fees 

My connection with my work is so pure 

That each day I work with honestly and dedication to ensure 

That the food I eat is from god's grace 

I value it and content never in any race 

Today my manager broke this news strange

That I am no longer required for my work range 

My connection with my work is so deep 

And this thought just made me fall emotionally so steep 

Each moment of my work reflected like a movie old 

How I took notes , participated actively, learnt all tasks like Gold 

I then come to know about my colleague see

For few of my peers I was just a conversation over a cup of tea 

This connection with my work gave me a sense of joy at row 

My relatives who always mocked me as a failure ,saw me grow 

My mother left the world last year 

And when I sensed this fear 

She told me that bird never on branch rely 

It believes in it's ability to fly 

This work I got from my hard work and not any reference 

This means I have ability to restart again and not be in fence 

It's difficult to see my connection going away from me 

Till I have life I should learn to cope up and live 

And have faith in God and in my abilities I should believe 

What we sow ,so shall we reap 

If anyone does wrong to others they will get the karma sweep 

I should just focus on believing in self and my connection with God deep 

Miles to go before I sleep !!!

Gir gayi hoon toh uthegi , seekegi seekhayegi 

Gomati ki beti Kuch Kar dikhaayegi!!!



Beautiful piece of creativity with a message ❤️

Short and meaningful story showed its impact on connection in positive way. Connection gives us happiness, joy, and support. The wonderful ending with the mother's advice about the bird's ability to fly is a powerful metaphor for resilience and self-reliance. It emphasized that one must have faith in their ability to overcome any obstacle to find success in new opportunities❤️

Keep penning 

Keep rocking ❤️

@⁨Priyanka Kamath⁩

✍️ Priyanka Kamath 

15 April 2024 

Sunday, 14 April 2024

40.Scene writing - Confronting darkest fear in dream


Scene writing - Confronting darkest fear in dream 

Character picturization- Protagonist Pihu goes into a guilt trip because of her guilty pleasure leading to a nightmare of the consequence of unveiling the truth .

Each one of us has certain bad habits. Sometimes we are aware of same yet unable to work on it. Pihu has guilty pleasure of making friendships to strangers just for time pass and fun. She hides this with her family and secretly indulges in guilty pleasure. 

That night before she sleeps her mom caresses her and says 'you are our pride and have always made us proud'.

She had built an image of being very naive and innocent. Yet her heart knew that she has dual personality. That night as she sleeps , the guilt creeps in .

After so many days she had not dared to chat with anyone this night since she wanted to give herself a break . However as it was her habit by now she couldn't sleep instantly..Then She starts to count the men in her mind she has chatted so far. She just had begun to count that she falls asleep . 

Her darkest fear of her deeds comes to life when she sees her dear ones have come to know about 'real her' through her leaked chats. She was red faced in shame and despair. There was no other villain in her life other than her own self. Her mother's words of Pihu being pride was shattered so badly. She felt she has been deceiving not just her family but also her own soul. 

The next morning was the best thing that happened. The night felt so long and tiresome. For someone who loves to sleep was so happy to finally understand that the dark night is over and new ray if hope has emerged. 

The very next day she says Sorry to her mother revealing everything that she has done so far. It was embarrassing that she was confronting her own vices . However to overcome any fear it's very important to accept it and move on .

Pihu still get the thoughts of indulging in bad things. But now after considering the consequences she has started to divert her mind into something productive. 

Choosing good or bad path is up to us. However we should be willing to face the consequence through our own experience. Here Pihu could foresee the end result in her dream and eventually changed her thought process. Only blessed one gets a chance of choice.

✍️ Priyanka Kamath 

14 April 2024 

Instagram- priyankakamath7 

Friday, 12 April 2024

39. Message from Climate

 *Message from Climate *

Monsoon in UAE is generally rare 

But it had it's thunder lightning share 

My brother had visited me last year for a week

And cloud seeding was done at its peak 

We were drenched in rain

All plans went in vain

Here the drainage system is also not that great 

The city in level below water was its fate 

There are tall buildings so many here 

But less provision for unforeseen climate to bear 

But for someone working from home it can hardly matter

Rain , heat ,vagaries in monsoon former or latter 

The heat of the sun during the day is generally very strong

More than heat it's the humidity that stays for long 

Few of us are blessed to sit in AC and work 

But labour class resource toils from day till dark 

Animals and birds are not seen in great numbers anymore 

Tress are less and buildings are more 

We need to contribute to Sustainability 

Volunteering to any such cause with our full ability 

Climate change is impacting a lot more 

Prevention is better than cure !!!

✍️ Priyanka Kamath 

12 April 2024 


Theme-Eid Mubarak| Paper Craft|Crescent 🌙 Moon

 12 April 2024 

Saturday, 6 April 2024

35. Anecdote

 *Anecdote *

For me Anecdote is a concept new

Where I am sharing my experience few 

Each day I feel my office has episode fresh 

Sometimes it builds my confidence even after a crush 

I did the task exactly as my manager  said 

Scheduled a call to discuss ahead 

Sitting next to me shes sending me back to back email

Her heightened voice ,made my effort to explain her fail

I am sensitive to someones high tone 

I cry for hours overthinking alone 

But I did nothing wrong today 

The given task was done perfect to say 

A person's body language says it all 

I can't be likable to all, it's their call 

In that heat of moment ,I took a while 

Asked her to tone down ,with a smile 

Baloon of tear emerged within me all this while 

But I could confidently suppress them with a smile 

Sometimes it's easily said than done 

But Love all ,Trust a few ,Do wrong to none !!!

✍️ Priyanka Kamath

7 April 2024

34.Letter to Author emphasizing how their work has impacted me *

 *Letter to Author emphasizing how their work has impacted me *

Letter writing has always been close to my heart 

It brings joy in spirits even if we are apart 

With passing years I have reduced to read

But this letter would be a manifestation to never let it fade 

My first letter would be to my dear late grandfather 

Who has been my role model in every form or other 

His books never got published 

For me his work is superior established

'Shani mahatma' was the book he had put his heart and soul 

Through this I came to know about the morals and the lifes goal 

My second letter goes to Ravindra Singh with cheers  

His work ' I too had a love story ' had me in tears 

Writing about someone after losing them is a tough task 

Re- living the pain that one would never ask 

Third letter would be to Padmashri Sudha Murthy mam

I read her two books so far and more to aim

'Wise and other wise' is simplistically beautiful

Her work in ' Gently falls the bakula ' had me so many emotions full 

I had made a video and reviewed her work poetically 

My achievement is that I had received a appreciation email from her magically 

My Fifth letter goes to my dear Mother 

Her work is also unaccounted just like my grandfather

I have her diary and her expression of her experience so beautiful that words lack

I want to express her through this letter that  I miss her to moon and back 

My sixth letter is in draft as I need to write to Robin Sharma when free 

After I complete reading ' The monk who sold his Ferrari '

7 th letter is for my self

Budding writer needs to listen to noone else 

Just write from your heart ,keep improving and take leap

Miles to go before you sleep !!!

✍️ Priyanka kamath

6 th April 2024


33. Stort story - Mid night Friend

 *Short Story - Mid night friend*

This is the story of Munni and her mother Amma.They were best friends and always available for each other.This day Munni was overthinking a lot and was unable to sleep. The Angel fairy was occupied elsewhere and didn't come on time to give her deep sleep. In the day time Munni had done many activities and she was happy then. However towards the night she began to overthink on the things happened during the day. Unable to sleep she calls her Amma at 2.30 am mid night. Her mother is just a call away. However busy she is , she always attends munnis call at one ring. This day also she spoke and listened to Munni. Munni badly needed the angel fairy to put her to sleep.She advised Munni that she wouldn't be there with her all time . But the creator God would protect us always

 So here on if Munni finds difficulty in sleeping she can chant god's name . And in sometime she will fall asleep. It was tragedy that Amma went to God to search fairy angel and became a fairy herself. That say onwards her midnight friend is the God who would make her sleep and calm her from sleepless nights. 

She understands now that people in life however dear they may be, has to leave this world eventually. All of us need to do our act and then go back to God. So making the Lord best friend throughout would give us pathway and strength to believe in ourself .

Fairy angel Amma is always blessing her Munni throughout her life and beyond .

✍️ Priyanka Kamath 



6 April 2024

Friday, 5 April 2024

32. Being Indifferent


*Being indifferent*

It's well said than done

To forgive who has hurt someone

In office there are certain instance mine 

Where my equation with my peer was not fine 

There was a series of revenge game 

Where escalating matters and the blame 

Blocking a person in contact list is not a solution ultimate

Learning to deal professionally is a skill to learn ,never too late 

Seeing the person in office was a deal 

When it would disturb me in real 

I started to avoid and not seeing his face

stared to speak to the point , been professional and passed this phase 

Didn't bother if I got a response share 

But did the things right and fair 

This day when we met face to face a while 

We greeted a simple hello with a smile 

I felt I was free and over my stress 

I have let gone and started fresh 

When we let our happiness string 

In others hand to cling 

We often get impacted by even reaction minute 

And end up making our happiness dilute 

But when we own our pathway 

And be professional to who ever comes our way 

We would take a leap 

And focus on our task deep 

There is a way in between for any interaction 

Where we are indifferent to any reaction 

Any job we do , we will come across few 

we need to learn to deal in ways new 

Being indifferent to things which mattered once in past 

Is definitely a small achievement which I believe should last 

Cheers to the new learnings some..

I am what I choose to become !!!

Feedback I received

Marvellous ❤️

Beautifully highlighted a difficult topic. Learning to behave in a professional manner is a skill that must be learned. Beautiful solution given to avoid confrontation in office. Forgiveness is important to deal with people who have hurt you. When meeting face-to-face, a simple namaste can help relieve tension and start afresh. Adopting indifferent responses and being professional can help us focus deeply on tasks. Learning to deal with new ways and being indifferent to past issues is a small achievement that must be maintained for a long time.

keep it up ❤️

@⁨Priyanka Kamath⁩

✍️ Priyanka Kamath

5 April 2024 


Insta - priyankakamath7

Thursday, 4 April 2024

31.Embracing lessons from struggle / Transformation through adversity/Job

 * Embracing lessons from struggle *

Life is a classroom of the Lord 

Struggle is the question paper broad 

Some get it as Compulsory not to lose 

Few lucky ones get option to choose 

One of the struggle was seeking Job Phase 

All potential candidates were in race 

Reference didn't work neither was right 

To be employable,suited and well fit was the fight 

I cracked my first interview with Big 4

This being my very first job was a top score 

Struggle doesn't end with Job secured

Skill set is the need to be procured

Survival of fittest is the base 

Each day is a fresh struggle phase 

Office politics is also a fact of case 

The more we run, the more it chase 

So handling daily struggles is my fieldwork

Amidst obstruction, perk is dutifully doing my work 

There is no struggle,there is no progress

Fail , fall , learn and start fresh !!!


(Feature in YHM blog )

✍️ Priyanka Kamath

4 April 2024 

Transformation through adversity*

Life is a classroom of the Lord 

Struggle is the question paper broad 

Some get it as Compulsory not to lose 

Few lucky ones get option to choose 

One of the struggle was seeking Job Phase 

All potential candidates were in race 

Reference didn't work neither was right 

To be employable,suited and well fit was the fight 

I cracked my first interview with Big 4

This being my very first job was a top score 

Struggle doesn't end with Job secured

Skill set is the need to be procured

Survival of fittest is the base 

Each day is a fresh struggle phase 

Office politics is also a fact of case 

The more we run, the more it chase 

So handling daily struggles is my fieldwork

Amidst obstruction, perk is dutifully doing my work 

Monitoring my thought process to be more secure and away from toxicity 

Transforming myself for better through adversity 

There is no struggle,there is no progress

Fail , fall , learn and start fresh !!!

©️ Priyanka Kamath ✍️

28 may 2024 

Review -

Marvellous ❤️

I appreciate your creativity.❤️

The profound metaphor of viewing life as a classroom is brilliantly depicted wherein struggles serve as important lessons for personal growth and development. The idea of viewing failure as an opportunity to learn, grow and start afresh is highlighted. A thoughtful perspective on the resilience required to navigate the journey of life and its challenges is commendable. The importance of perseverance, continuous learning and maintaining a positive mindset in the face of difficulties is well emphasised.❤️

Keep it up ❤️

@⁨Priyanka Kamath⁩

30. No Means No / Start


*No means No *

It's important Not to be slave of my mind


This day I set up a pathway find 

Phone addiction was empowering me much 

I had to overcome lack of focus such 

"No means No " is the instruction I fed my mind 

I turned off phone  wifi, this is productive way I find 

It gave me boost when I prioritised task in hand 

And the strength to know that I have control over my monkey mind 

It feels good to feed it what mind constantly ask

But instructing ' No means No ' would lead to focussing on  time and relevant task 

A treat given to Mind is certainly pleasure 

But it would make me dull , out of focus and in pressure

To self control and win over my vice

And respecting my own self advice 

I discovered ' No means No ' is a way to move on and rise 

It has set up for me things wise and nice !!!

✍️ Priyanka kamath

4 April 2024 




(Modified the content to suit a similar topic )


Each end is a beginning of chapter new 


To start a fresh and moving from instances few 

There were many things leading to lack of attention 

Ended up doing the priority task less efficiently with more tension 

Aspects that led to lesser productivity,let's find 

It's important Not to be slave of mind

Phone addiction was empowering me much 

I had to overcome lack of focus such 

'Let's begin a fresh 'is the instruction I fed my mind 

I turned off phone wifi, this is productive way I find 

It gave me boost when I prioritised task in hand 

And the strength to know that I have control over my mind 

It feels good to feed it what mind constantly ask

But instructing discipline would lead to focussing on time and relevant task 

A Treat given to Mind is certainly pleasure 

But it would make me dull , out of focus and in pressure

To self control and win over my vice

And respecting my own self advice 

I discovered each beginning is a way to move on and rise 

It has set up for me things wise and nice !!!

✍️ Priyanka kamath

8 April 2024

141. Manifesting Dreams anthology

*Manifesting Dreams* Waiting for someone's response is hard Atleast I can play victim card But what happens when I manifest one reply An...