Friday 15 March 2024

010.Calling out a misjudgedment

 I was expecting I get the recognition for my poem for series 38 

However you chose a different winner that's her fate 

*Calling out a misjudgedment*

The concept of mountain out of mole hill was a shine

Than low effort content of two line 

I thought to call out this decision in form of poetry 

And set this instance from my mind to be free. 

This doesn't intend to point out any judgement

Felt like sharing in poem form about my feelings and sentiment.

( Following certificate is not related to the topic , but I had received one extra- This was like a light to my thoughts so attaching here )

10 Marc 2024

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101. A poem for me

 A lovely poem for you.  As I was walking Down life's highway  Many years ago I came upon a Sign that read Heavens Grocery Store.. When ...