Friday, 15 March 2024

11 *Multitasking **

  *Multitasking ** 

24 hours a day is same for all- at all time 

But why do only few succeed and shine?

The answers can vary from luck factor, hard work or smart path line 

One of the precious boon that is gifted to all of us without asking

Is the power of multi tasking 

However this super power is embedded within us in a leaf

The magic term to invoke the skill is 'self belief'

The main challenge of multi tasking can be quality hamper

And doing many things at once can trigger ones temper

However the moment we take the leap 

And decide to keep moving & knocking out the lazy sleep

We understand the process of multitasking in deep 

What our parents have done is precious and kind 

Now the task is within us - this skill to find

When I was in college,in smooth way I could switch and attend my class and tuition

Without hampering the attendance,quality with passion

As time flew, I see that my focus is not the same 

Now after marriage handling task is overall a new game

It's now about household task and work outside

Along with balancing my peace and hobby side by side 

Multitasking is a skill developed over time 

Practice is the key with focus and need of time .

Just like a person learns to swim when he practically swims

multitasking is something which we learn akin

Sometimes tiredness can make us feel 

That lets skip a task and just chill 

However, if we take tasks as a fun game 

Then we could actually excel in doing multiple things without pain 

Lets  invoke the power within us a lil

Through self belief - "I can and I will "

Multitasking is beyond gender skill 

It just needs one superpower that is' Will '

Making a mental notes on things to do within a time frame 

Is the prompt to start being this skillful - let's claim !!

✍️ Priyanka Kamath

13 March 2024


Insta- priyankakamath7

Theme -New beginning- To refresh my Multitasking skills as on 13 April 2024

Feedback-Wow 👏your exploration of the theme "New Beginning - To refresh my Multitasking skills" is an insightful reflection on the importance of self-belief and perseverance in mastering the art of multitasking. 

I really appreciate the fact that your message resonates with readers of all backgrounds, emphasizing the universal nature of multitasking as a valuable skill cultivated through practice and determination.😍❤️

Keep writing ✍️✍️

PAF Fam🫶

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