💕Selfless Love 💕
Gods creatures who speak from heart
With these animals I have connection directly to heart
It was a raining storming day
The road was filled with water way
I see someone has put a little pup in gutter
That baby was drowning in that dirty water
I didn't think twice and jumped in the stream
The pup hugged me as if I was a princess from dream
As I took him out ,he just clinged on me and it was so pure
He should be safe and not starving I made sure
Animal care trust then came and took the pup with them on time
Soon I came to know he was fit and fine
Even when I was handing over to them the pup kissed me and showered so much love
When I was back home all stray dogs welcomed me with a dance as usual with the cutest Bow.
Sometimes even if I don't have biscuits to give them yet their love is so selfless
I feel a lot of gratitude and believe my life is filled with love and bliss
My cat come to me with a meow when I don't sleep on time
she makes sure to distract me to ensure my entire focus is on her and she is mine.
When I give little food and water to the birdies few
They make sure to chirp and sing a song each time new
I feel the selfless love I have received is a blessing pure
This love have healed me and in every sense is a cure !!!
✍️ Priyanka Kamath
14 Feb 2024
Story of 2 friends anthology
Selfless Love💕
Gods creatures who speak from heart and my souls part
With these animals I have connection directly to heart
Animals are never out of fashion and in trend
They have always been my best friend
It was a raining storming day
The road was filled with water way
I see someone has put a little pup in gutter
That baby was drowning in that dirty water
I didn't think twice and jumped in the stream
The pup hugged me as if I was a princess from dream
As I took him out ,he just clinged on me and it was so pure
He should be safe and not starving I made sure
Animal care trust then came and took the pup with them on time
Soon I came to know he was fit and fine
Even when I was handing over to them the pup kissed me and showered so much love
When I was back home all stray dogs welcomed me with a dance as usual with the cutest Bow.
Sometimes even if I don't have biscuits to give them yet their love is so selfless
I feel a lot of gratitude and believe my life is filled with love and bliss
My cat come to me with a meow when I don't sleep on time
she makes sure to distract me to ensure my entire focus is on her and she is mine.
When I give little food and water to the birdies few
They make sure to chirp and sing a song each time new
I feel the selfless love I have received is a blessing pure
This love have healed me and in every sense is a cure !!!
©️✍️ Priyanka Kamath
7 march 2025
Poetry is a way of expressing Priyanka's experience and stories.Life is a learning institution and sharing it in the form of write up is a healing process. She dedicates her work to her dear parents.
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