Friday, 15 March 2024

13.Topic: Story building


📝 *Explore*:

- *A family inherits an old mansion, but soon discovers it holds dark secrets from their ancestors.Then . . .*

- Complete the short story within 300 words.

Topic: Story building

*A family inherits an old mansion, but soon discovers it holds dark secrets from their ancestors.Then . . .*

I inherited a Mansion

With a secret Mission 

Decoding the message of secret mystery

'Light is NOWHERE 'is code to ancestral history

All doors in mansion were Dark and Shut 

Yet elders blessings gave me that courage and gut 

I applied a lot of force to push the door

My efforts didn't pay off and zero was my score 

I realised for certain lock 🔒 the key is to be 'Wise '

 Strong will power ,mental strength and faith is where this key 🗝️ lies 

Ancestors were trying to convey me a message fair

But I was too busy crying over my failure and despair

My gloomy mind could read the message as ' Light is No-where '

Now I see the secret message as ' Light is Now-here '

As soon as I decoded this 

The dark secret door was open with a Fiz 

This door represents open mindset

Mansion is the feeling of ' needing to be perfect'

Earlier mansion seemed old and dark 

Now I see around a beautiful bright park 

No-where signified dark aspect

The shift of word Now-here gave a new prospect

My ancestors blessed me with a secret message

All dark mansion will have a locked door 

I need to unlock it by 'believing in myself' a little more !!!

✍️ Priyanka Kamath

15 march 2024 



Moulding the story to suit the similar theme

Theme :Story set in haunted house where ghost have unfinished business - to get as spooky as can )

Decoding the message of secret mystery

'Light is NOWHERE 'is code of haunted house history

All doors in place were Dark and Shut 

Amidst ghost fear, my prayers gave me that courage and gut 

I applied a lot of force to push the door

My efforts didn't pay off and zero was my score 

I realised for certain lock 🔒 the key is to be 'Wise '

 Strong will power ,mental strength and faith is where this key 🗝️ lies 

Ghosts were pure souls who were trying to convey me a message fair

But I was too busy crying over my failure and despair

My gloomy mind could read the message as ' Light is No-where '

Now I see the secret message as ' Light is Now-here '

As soon as I decoded this 

The dark secret door was open with a Fiz 

This door represents open mindset

Haunted house is the feeling of ' needing to be perfect'

Earlier it seemed old and dark 

Now I see around a beautiful bright park 

No-where signified dark aspect

The shift of word Now-here gave a new prospect

The unfinished work of ghost was now done

They were no more scarcy and we played games fun

The spooky ghosts turned to angel sage 

who blessed me with a secret message

All haunted house will have a locked door 

I need to unlock it by 'believing in myself' a little more !!!

✍️ Priyanka kamath

8 th April 2024


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