Friday 15 March 2024

12.Topic - Debate - Flexibility or Boundaries which makes you work smart*


Boundaries which makes you work smart*

Right from the beginning, we are accustomed to draw a boundary

Be it the school art or working in or outside country 

Be it personal or relations profession

It's always ideal to limit ones approach and action

Work wise there are different departments section

If I am employed to do a certain task 

Then focussing on achieving that is the ask

Ofcourse I need to have a birds eye view 

Of end to end linkage & preview

Boundaries bring discipline and uniformity

It brings unity in diversity

Work from home is a good side of work life flexibility

I believe however core need is to understand ones ability

Again !! work type is a determining factor 

To be in boundaries or explore different sector

For someone who is employed, focus can be on completing given task 

On other hand, one who is self employed has ownership kiosk 

When I started to work ,I wanted to learn more 

I wished to be flexible at core 

However I realised it's mastering one task at a time 

Can give me that confidence to shine 

Workplace encumbers meeting a lot of peers mine 

Maintaining boundaries while being cordial is the need of time

Simplicity and being ordinary is a beautiful phase 

I am in a mindspace where I am not in a race 

May be I am mediocre and enjoy the slow pace  

I feel boundaries well define me to find solace 

Having said that ,I still believe

Each day I look forward to re-live 

To learn new skill with open mind need no boundary permit 

My boundary set is 'Sky is the limit' !!

✍️ Priyanka Kamath

13 March 2024



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